Location: Dairy Forage Research
Project Number: 5090-21500-002-023-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 1, 2022
End Date: Oct 30, 2024
1. Develop and implement strategies for use of cover crops, nutrient management and optimal implementation of other conservation-based cropping practices.
2. Develop on-farm research projects and producer outreach for conservation-based cropping practices.
3. Develop and provide in-state and out-of-state training on alfalfa production.
Collaborative research between ARS and Cooperator will involve conservation cropping practices and alternative forages. Specialists will be strategically located near major research facilities in the state to enhance their understanding of the research so they replicate trials on farms and build exceptional outreach programs to producers and consultants. To improve the understanding and implementation of optimal alfalfa production practices, an Alfalfa Outreach Specialist will conduct training for farmers, consultants and other professionals both in Wisconsin and nationally.