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Research Project: Precision Breeding Using Molecular Genetic Tools to Develop Disease Resistant Peanut Cultivars

Location: Crop Genetics and Breeding Research

Project Number: 6048-21000-029-022-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Feb 1, 2022
End Date: Jul 31, 2023

1) Develop high-yielding peanut varieties with high levels of resistance to leaf spot. a. This will include cultivars with and without nematode resistance; cultivars with and without high oleic acid; and will include runner and Virginia market-types. 2) Seed increase and purification using summer and winter nurseries for lines that are expected to be released as cultivars. 3) Develop breeding populations and begin to use MAS for resistance to white mold and resistance to TSWV.

Crosses have been made and an accelerated backcrossing program is ongoing using marker assisted selection (MAS) to introgress resistance to late leaf spot into our best varieties and breeding lines. Crosses have been made with sources of resistance to white mold and we will use MAS to attempt to continue resistance to white mold with resistance to leaf spot and high yield and grade. Summer and winter nurseries will be used to increase seed for lines that could potentially be released as varieties.