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ARS Home » Plains Area » Las Cruces, New Mexico » Cotton Ginning Research » Research » Research Project #440842

Research Project: Producing Upland and Pima Seed Cotton for ARS Research Studies

Location: Cotton Ginning Research

Project Number: 3050-41000-010-070-G
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Aug 1, 2021
End Date: Jul 31, 2026

The ARS Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory (SWCGRL) requires Upland and Pima seed cotton for its research studies. Seed cotton is raw cotton from the field that has not been ginned. The objective of this grant is to establish a Cooperator that will provide the SWCGRL with Upland and Pima cotton for use in research studies in the saw and roller ginning laboratories.

Seed cotton is raw cotton from the field that has not been ginned. A cotton gin divides the raw cotton into lint and cottonseed. Producers sell their lint to textile mills on price per pound basis, and their cottonseed to either cattle operations (for feed) or oil mills on a price per ton basis. The mechanism for selling lint and cottonseed in the marketplace is well established. There is no market or mechanism for selling seed cotton and because of this, the ARS has the need for a steady supply of seed cotton from a Cooperator for its research studies. The Cooperator must be willing to collaborate with the ARS and provide Upland and Pima seed cotton. The price for the seed cotton will be determined by calculating a lint and cottonseed equivalent weight based on lint and cottonseed turnout after ginning and the Cooperator's previously contracted prices or market prices at the time of transfer. The amount of funding requested is based on historical estimates of Upland and Pima prices and the volume of seed cotton needed for 2021 and 2022. The Cooperator will provide the ARS with the required amount of Upland and Pima cotton needed for use in research studies in the saw and roller ginning laboratories.