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Research Project: Determining the Repercussions of Declining Test Weight on Seed Composition & Value

Location: Soybean and Nitrogen Fixation Research

Project Number: 6070-21220-069-069-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Oct 1, 2020
End Date: Sep 30, 2021

1) Implement coordinated multistate trials to determine the impact of genetics and geography on test weight using an array of extreme soybean types and extreme environments. Agronomic performance and seed composition will be assessed. 2) Determine the relation of test weight to seed size, seed quality, protein and oil content, amino acid composition and yield. 3) Assess the impact that test weight may have on value in the supply chain, either by association with seed protein content, sucrose, animal feed quality and through trucking and storage costs.

Conventional breeding and agronomic evaluation will be used to accomplish these objectives.