Location: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory
Project Number: 8042-21660-005-050-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Apr 1, 2019
End Date: Apr 30, 2024
1. Combine data sets from 12 long-term research projects on crop rotations into a large data base that is accessible by participating institutions.
2. Use the combined data to evaluate how crop production risks are influenced by crop rotation length.
3. Evaluate how crop production risks can be reduced under future weather scenarios.
Data from existing long-term cropping systems studies will be combined into a searchable data base. Meta-data on systems management for each location along with yields, soil physical, chemical, and biological measurements, weather data will be entered in the data base. Using multiple statistical and modeling approaches the data will be used to determine interacting influences on crop production associated with crop rotation (number of crops, types of crops, crop sequence, etc.). The results of the analysis will be used in scientific publications and white papers to inform the scientific community, private, public and policy entities on the roles of crop rotation in reducing producer risk.