Location: Tropical Pest Genetics and Molecular Biology Research Unit
Project Number: 2040-22430-028-014-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Jul 1, 2019
End Date: Jan 1, 2023
Develop diagnostic tools for discrimination of species within species complexes in the genus Bactrocera, and transferring these tools to APHIS for implementation in their pest detection programs.
Using specimens identified by expert taxonomists (through University of Hawaii Manoa collaboration), perform sequencing of barcode region (COI) as well as multigene phylogenomics on several species complexes within the genus Bactrocera (B. frauenfeldi/albistrigata complex, B. tau complex, and B. dorsalis complex). From these datasets, we hope to resolve/refine the complexes. In addition, we will then develop diagnostic tools/assays for discriminating species within these complexes, including developing both wet-lab and bioinformatic tools for rapid implementation and analysis of these assays.