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Research Project: Management and Utilization of Maize Genetic Stocks and Associated Information

Location: Soybean/maize Germplasm, Pathology, and Genetics Research

2020 Annual Report

Objective 1: Efficiently and effectively acquire maize genetic stocks; maintain their safety, genetic integrity, health and viability; and distribute them and associated information worldwide. Objective 2: Develop more effective genetic resources maintenance, evaluation, and characterization methods and apply them to priority maize genetic stocks. Record and disseminate evaluation and characterization data via GRIN-Global and other data sources. Objective 3: With other NPGS genebanks and Crop Germplasm Committees, develop, update, document, and implement best management practices and Crop Vulnerability Statements for maize genetic stock and information management.

We will cooperate with members of the maize genetics research community who are involved in genomics research; especially those with projects that will generate new mutants, reverse genetics resources and mapping populations. These projects will provide both seed and information about their donated stocks. We are working with projects whose aim is to discover new genes in maize by tagging genes with transposable elements or by chemical mutagenesis and combining phenotypic and sequence analyses. We also are involved in cooperative efforts with other researchers who are generating new mutants that will be deposited in our collection. Along with screening these stocks for kernel, ear, and seedling mutants, we will continue to organize adult plant grow-outs and invite visitors to help us search for novel mature plant traits. Selected mutants felt to be unique and have continued importance will be incorporated into our core collection and maintained. We will phenotype maize genetic stocks to ensure their identity and trueness-to-type. These processes will be customized to address the challenges that emerge. We plan to conduct allelism tests with mutants in our collection that exhibit similar phenotypes. Those that turn out to be due to novel genes will be mapped to chromosomal location and characterized further. Some will be the focus of further genetic studies. We will continue computerizing the information concerning existing maize genetics stocks and have that information readily available to cooperators. During the last funding period, information about our newly available stocks was computerized and made accessible. We will continue to enter all existing data on our maize genetic stocks and about the stocks we will soon receive. Information about all stocks that are available upon request will be updated, as needed, in the Maize Genome Database. We will work with the Maize Crop Germplasm Committee to ensure that our best management practices are up-to-date. We will also work with the Maize Crop Germplasm Committee to ensure that the maize vulnerability statement is up-to-date.

Progress Report
5,542 seed samples have been supplied in response to 399 requests. Approximately 2.0 acres of nursery were grown this summer at the Crop Sciences Research and Education Center located at the University of Illinois. Cool wet, spring weather caused us to delay planting crossing nurseries. Warm dry weather during the remainder of the growing season allowed for good germination in our crossing nurseries, as well as a normal pollination season; supplemental irrigation was required. There were sufficient stands for a good increase in almost all instances. The beginning of the FY20 was the harvest of the 2019 crop which was slightly later than normal. Plantings were made of donated stocks from the photosynthetic mutant collection and gametophyte factor variants (Ga1-s and Ga2-s) in Northern adapted backgrounds. Due to the reduction of staffing, maintenance of other stocks has been put on hold. The field space and labor were instead used for maintenance of stocks from the main collection.
