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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Wooster, Ohio » Application Technology Research » Research » Research Project #429700

Research Project: Minor Use Pesticide-Food/Ornamentals

Location: Application Technology Research

2018 Annual Report

Obtain performance data and/or residue samples or analyze crop samples to support the registration of minor-use pesticides for food, ornamental and specialty crops.

Minor-use pesticides alone or in combination with cultural and mechanical methods will be evaluated under field, orchard, nursery and greenhouse conditions through determination of pest control by species, crop injury and crop yield. Plant samples will be collected for determination of pesticide residues according to protocols and good laboratory practices specified by the National IR-4 Headquarters.

Progress Report
In 2018, the ARS, IR-4 Ornamental Project conducted 6 plant safety studies on woody plants and herbaceous perennials, and 12 vegetable, fruit, and nut(sunflower) studies using good laboratory practices. Results of these field trials will be used for specialty crop use label registration expansion under the IR-4 program. Since the USDA, ARS, Unit is co-located at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio, trials were held at the Wooster Campus in fields and greenhouses, Snyder Farm; Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station (OARDC) in Huron County and at the North Central Agricultural Research Station (OARDC) in Sandusky County. The impacts of the IR-4 trials were to support hundreds of registrations for specialty crops that pesticide companies would not otherwise support. Experimental results were conveyed to growers at field days, trade fairs like the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association Annual Meeting, American Horticulture Association’s Cultivate Meetings and at numerous Ohio State University’s Extension meetings.
