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David Archer
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David Archer joined the NGPRL as an agricultural economist in January 2007. Before coming to Mandan, he was at the USDA-ARS laboratory in Morris, Minnesota for 7 years where he worked on cropping systems economics evaluating the economic feasibility of alternative cropping systems, and identifying barriers to adoption of more sustainable practices. Prior to joining ARS, Dave was a USDA-NRCS agricultural economist in Bismarck, North Dakota and in Spokane and Colfax, Washington. He received a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University in 1995 and a B.S. in Mathematics from Rocky Mountain College in 1988.
Dave is continuing his research on the economics of agricultural systems as part of an interdisciplinary team helping develop more sustainable integrated crop and livestock production systems. His specific research interests include risk management, simulation modeling, decision aid development, bioenergy economics, and decision making to achieve both economic and natural resource goals. Dave is a member of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Western Agricultural Economics Association, Soil and Water Conservation Society, American Society of Agronomy, and Soil Science Society of America, and is an Associate Editor for Agronomy Journal. He has given numerous invited presentations at producer, industry, and professional meetings, and his work has often been featured in popular press articles.

 Photo of Dave Archer


David Archer, agricultural economist at the NGPRL, looks at cover crop stand establishment. Economic analysis of innovative agricultural management practices provides information to producers on potential costs and benefits.



Current Research
     Research & Results Technology Conference, February 15, 2010


Crop Sequence Economics      View      Download

Scientific Posters

Crop Sequence Economics in Dynamic Cropping Systems