Robert Graybosch |
Research Objectives
- Identify and develop winter wheat germplasm having novel quality traits, including modified starch composition, enhanced gluten strength, reduced levels of grain polyphenol oxidase, and enhanced mineral element concentration.
- Identify waxy wheats with grain yield equal in magnitude and stability to that of current wheat cultivars. Determine the factors governing the efficiency of gluten extraction from waxy wheats.
- Develop winter wheats with elevated grain protein content and elevated Fe, Zn and available P concentrations via genetics and breeding.
- Determine the relationship between super-low (nil) grain polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and product quality; determine the environmental stability of the nil PPO trait. Develop adapted hard white winter wheat germplasm with nil levels of grain PPO.
- Characterize existing wheat genes conferring virus resistance, identify new sources of resistance to Wheat streak mosaic and Triticum mosaic virus, and pyramid these traits with genes conditioning resistance to wheat stem rust and pre-harvest sprouting.
- Coordinate Hard Winter Wheat Regional Nursery Program
Breeding virus-resistant wheat |
Doubled-haploid technology speeds breeding and genetics |
Wheat in beautiful western Nebraska |