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African Stem Rust Nursery
The mission of the Unit is to improve the productivity, sustainability of production, and value of wheat, sorghum and forage crops by developing improved plant germplasm and management practices with basic and applied research in plant genetics, plant pathology, molecular biology, and production system management.
Alexander, Jeffrey
Boehm Jr, Jeffrey
Cai, Xiwen
Callahan, Patrick
Danilova, Tatiana
Divis, Lori
Edme, Serge
Fang, Ze Tian
- Ze
Fast, Emily
Funnell-Harris, Deanna
Giesbrecht, Tobias
- Toby
Gries, Tammy
Hinsch, Alandra
Hourigan, Keeley
Jensen, Andrew
Kennedy, Colin
Liu, Yan
Martin, Alex
Masterson, Steven
- Steve
McPherrin, Ann
Mitchell, Robert
- Rob
O`Neill, Patrick
Palmer, Nathan
- Nate
Polifka, Kiara
Sarath, Gautam
Sattler, Scott
Sedivy, Aaron
Skrdlant, Jeremy
Tatineni, Satyanarayana
- Ts
Toy, John
Wang, Lisa