Yesuf A Mohammed
Soil Management Research
Phone: (320) 585-8441
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Economic evaluation of corn relative maturity hybrids in corn-pennycress-soybean rotations
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flies associated with floral canopies of the new oilseed crop, pennycress, in the Midwestern U.S.A.
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Forcella, F., Petersen, M., Perry, W., Wells, S.S., Hard, A., Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Hoerning, C., Wesley, T.L., Ambrosi, E., Phippen, W. 2024. Flies associated with floral canopies of the new oilseed crop, pennycress, in the Midwestern U.S.A. Great Lakes Entomologist. 56(3-4):154-165.
Seed treatment affected establishment and yield in two pennycress lines
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Koirala, N., Barker, D., Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Heller, N., Hard, A., Wells, S.S., Phippen, W.B., Tas, P., Lindsey, A. 2023. Seed treatment affected establishment and yield in two pennycress lines. Frontiers in Agronomy. 5. Article 1205259.
Abundance and diversity of bees visiting flowering pennycress, a new oilseed crop in the Midwestern USA
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Forcella, F., Portman, Z.M., Wells, S.S., Perry, W., Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Hoerning, C., Hard, A., Wesley, T.L., Phippen, W.B. 2023. Abundance and diversity of bees visiting flowering pennycress, a new oilseed crop in the midwestern USA. Great Lakes Entomologist. 56(1):99-107.
Yield tradeoffs of early corn harvest to enhance pennycress establishment
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Gesch, R.W., Wells, S.S., Heller, N.J., Lindsey, A.J., Hard, A.W., Phippen, W.B., Bedeker, B. 2023. Yield tradeoffs of early corn harvest to enhance pennycress establishment. Agronomy Journal.
Evaluation of soybean selection and sowing date in a continuous cover relay-cropping system with pennycress
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Matthees, H.L. 2023. Evaluation of soybean selection and sowing date in a continuous cover relay-cropping system with pennycress. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6. Article 961099.
Corn hybrid evaluation to facilitate early pennycress establishment and enhance soybean double cropping in the Midwest
- (Abstract Only)
Agronomic and economic evaluations of N fertilization in maize under recent market dynamics
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Gesch, R.W., Johnson, J.M., Wagner, S.W. 2022. Agronomic and economic evaluations of N fertilization in maize under recent market dynamics. Agronomy. (3):514-527.
Soybean relay-cropped with winter camelina reduces biological nitrogen fixation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Matthees, H.L., Gesch, R.W., Weyers, S.L., Adem, S.M. 2022. Soybean relay-cropped with winter camelina reduces biological nitrogen fixation. Agronomy Journal. 114(4):2375-2388.
Double-cropping oilseed sunflower after winter camelina
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Walia, M.K., Hulke, B.S., Anderson, J.V. 2022. Double-cropping oilseed sunflower after winter camelina. Industrial Crops and Products. 181. Article 114811.
Evaluation of environment and cultivar impact on lentil protein, starch, mineral nutrients, and yield
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, C., Etemadi, F., Franck, W., Franck, S., Abdelhamid, M.T., Ahmadi, J., Mohammed, Y.A., Lamb, P., Miller, J., Carr, P.M., McPhee, K., Zhou, Y., Torabian, S., Qin, R. 2022. Evaluation of environment and cultivar impact on lentil protein, starch, mineral nutrients, and yield. Crop Science. 62(2):893-905.
Maturity selection but not sowing date enhances soybean productivity and land use in a winter camelina-soybean relay system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Gesch, R.W., Matthees, H.L., Wells, S.S. 2022. Maturity selection but not sowing date enhances soybean productivity and land use in a winter camelina-soybean relay system. Food and Energy Security. 11(1). Article e346.
Effects of host plant resistance and fungicide applications on Ascochyta blight symptomology and yield of chickpea
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Crutcher, F.K., Mohammed, Y.A., Chen, C., Turner, S. 2022. Effects of host plant resistance and fungicide applications on Ascochyta blight symptomology and yield of chickpea. Plant Disease. 106(1):247-253.
Interseeded pennycress and camelina yield and influence on row crops
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Patel, S., Lenssen, A.W., Moore, K.J., Mohammed, Y.A., Gesch, R.W., Wells, M.S., Johnson, B.L., Berti, M.T., Matthees, H.L. 2021. Interseeded pennycress and camelina yield and influence on row crops. Agronomy Journal. 113(3):2629-2647.
The environmental impact of ecological intensification in soybean cropping systems in the U.S. Upper Midwest
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cecchin, A., Pourhashem, G., Gesch, R.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Patel, S., Lenssen, A.W., Berti, M.T. 2021. The environmental impact of ecological intensification in soybean cropping systems in the U.S. Upper Midwest. Sustainability. 13(4). Article 1696.
Environmental trade-offs of relay-cropping winter cover crops with soybean in a maize-soybean system
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cecchin, A., Pourhashem, G., Gesch, R.W., Lenssen, A.W., Mohammed, Y.A., Patel, S., Berti, M.T. 2021. Environmental trade-offs of relay-cropping winter cover crops with soybean in a maize-soybean system. Agricultural Systems. 189. Article 103062.
Soil nitrogen in response to interseeded cover crops in maize-soybean production systems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Patel, S., Matthees, H.L., Lenssen, A.W., Johnson, B.L., Wells, M.S., Forcella, F., Berti, M.T., Gesch, R.W. 2020. Soil nitrogen in response to interseeded cover crops in maize-soybean production systems. Agronomy. 10(9). Article 1439.
Variety and weed management effects on organic chickpea stand establishment and seed yield
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Miller, Z., Hubbel, K., Chen, C. 2020. Variety and weed management effects on organic chickpea stand establishment and seed yield. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment. 3:e20035.
Establishing winter annual cover crops by interseeding into maize and soybean
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mohammed, Y.A., Matthees, H.L., Gesch, R.W., Patel, S., Forcella, F., Aasand, K., Steffl, N., Johnson, B., Wells, M.S., Lenssen, A. 2020. Establishing winter annual cover crops by interseeding into maize and soybean. Agronomy Journal. 112:719-732.