Roxanne Rios
Range and Meadow Forage Management Research
Rangeland Mgmt Speclst
Phone: (541) 573-8929
Fax: (541) 573-3042
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Evaluating different rates of activated carbon in commercially produced seed coatings in laboratory and field trials
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baughman, O., Rios, R.C., Duquette, C., Boyd, C.S., Riginos, C., Eshleman, M., Kildisheva, O. 2024. Evaluating different rates of activated carbon in commercially produced seed coatings in laboratory and field trials. Restoration Ecology. Article e14132.
Evaluating performance of three types of carbon seed coatings on seedling development
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Duquette, C., Rios, R.C., Baughman, O., Kildisheva, O., Cahill, M., Boyd, C.S. 2024. Evaluating performance of three types of carbon seed coatings on seedling development. Restoration Ecology. Article e14118.
Wyoming big sagebrush transplant survival and growth affected by age, season of planting, and competition
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Holfus, C.M., Boyd, C.S., Rios, R.C., Davies, K.W., Copeland, S.M., Mata-Gonzalez, R. 2023. Wyoming big sagebrush transplant survival and growth affected by age, season of planting, and competition. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 92:1-11.
Assessment of multiple herbicide protection seed treatments for seed-based restoration of native perennial bunchgrasses and sagebrush across multiple sites and years
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baughman, O., Eshleman, M., Griffen, J., Rios, R.C., Boyd, C.S., Kildisheva, O., Olsen, A., Cahill, M., Kerby, J.D., Riginos, C. 2023. Assessment of multiple herbicide protection seed treatments for seed-based restoration of native perennial bunchgrasses and sagebrush across multiple sites and years. PLOS ONE. 18(3). Article e0283678.
Preemergent herbicide protection seed coating: A promising new restoration tool
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Holfus, C.M., Rios, R.C., Boyd, C.S., Mata-Gonzalez, R. 2021. Preemergent herbicide protection seed coating: A promising new restoration tool. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 76:95-99.
To burn or not to burn: Comparing reintroducing fire with cutting an encroaching conifer for conservation of an imperiled shrub-steppe
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Davies, K.W., Rios, R.C., Bates, J.D., Johnson, D.D., Kerby, J., Boyd, C.S. 2019. To burn or not to burn: Comparing reintroducing fire with cutting an encroaching conifer for conservation of an imperiled shrub-steppe. Ecology and Evolution. 9(16):9137-9148.