Douglas Sturtz
Application Technology Research
Biological Science Technician
Phone: (419) 530-1534
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Continuing assessment of the 5 day sodium carbonate-ammonium nitrate extraction assay as an indicator test for silicon fertilizers
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zellner, W.L., Friedrich, R.L., Kim, S., Sturtz, D.S., Frantz, J., Altland, J.E., Krause, C.R. 2015. Continuing assessment of the 5 day sodium carbonate-ammonium nitrate extraction assay as an indicator test for silicon fertilizers. Journal of AOAC International. 98(4):890-895.
Silicon in Ornamental Crops: Detection, Delivery, and Function
- (Proceedings)
Frantz, J., Locke, J.C., Sturtz, D.S., Leisner, S. 2010. Silicon in Ornamental Crops: Detection, Delivery, and Function. Silicio na Agricultura: Anais do V Simposio Brasileiro sobre Silicio Agricultura. Editor: Fabricio Rodriguez. pp.111-134.
Evaluation of the use of Supplemental Silicon in Floricultural Crop Production to Reduce Disease Stress and Micronutrient (Cu) Toxicity and to Enhance Crop Quality
- (Proceedings)
Locke, J.C., Frantz, J., Omer, M.A., Sturtz, D.S., Li, J., Leisner, S. 2009. Evaluation of the use of Supplemental Silicon in Floricultural Crop Production to Reduce Disease Stress and Micronutrient (Cu) Toxicity and to Enhance Crop Quality. GreenSys 2009, June 14-19, 2009; Quebec City, Canada. p.96, p.144.
Detection and Quantification of Silicon in Floricultural Crops Utilizing Three Distinct Analytical Methods
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Frantz, J., Locke, J.C., Datnoff, L., Omer, M.A., Widrig, A.K., Sturtz, D.S., Horst, L., Krause, C.R. 2008. Detection and Quantification of Silicon in Floricultural Crops Utilizing Three Distinct Analytical Methods. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 39:2734-2751.