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Research Project: Developing New Potatoes with Improved Quality, Disease Resistance, and Nutritional Content

Location: Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research

Title: Effect of Cooking Methods on Bioactivity of Polyphenols in Purple Potatoes

item SUN, QU - Washington State University
item DU, MIN - Washington State University
item Navarre, Duroy
item ZHU, MEI-JUN - Washington State University

Submitted to: Antioxidants
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/20/2021
Publication Date: 7/24/2021
Citation: Sun, Q., Du, M., Navarre, D.A., Zhu, M. 2021. Effect of Cooking Methods on Bioactivity of Polyphenols in Purple Potatoes. Antioxidants. 10(8):1176.

Interpretive Summary: Vegetables can lose vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients during cooking, affecting the amounts they supply in the diet. Scientists at Washington State University and the USDA-ARS in Prosser, WA examined the effect of cooking on purple potatoes, including by using an intestinal epithelial cell model. Vacuum-sealed boiling and steaming preserved the antioxidant activity the most. Regardless of cooking method, all purple potato extracts showed anti-inflammatory effects in Caco-2 cells. This work shows cooked purple potatoes have protective effects against oxidative and inflammatory stress and may have potential as an antioxidant therapeutic for chronic intestinal diseases

Technical Abstract: Purple-fleshed potato is a good dietary source of phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins, flavonols, and chlorogenic acids. This study examined the impacts of cooking methods including boiling, steaming and the newly developed vacuum-sealed boiling (VSBoiling), on extractability and bioactivity of polyphenolic compounds in purple potato (PP). Boiling and steaming reduced the total polyphenolic content and extractable chlorogenic acid (CGA) content in PP, while VSBoiling increased CGA content. For in vitro radical scavenging activities, VSBoiling and steaming effectively preserved the antioxidant activity of PP, while boiling resulted in a significant reduction. In Caco-2 cells, all PP extracts effectively suppressed hydrogen peroxide-induced bursts of intracellular reactive oxygen species, of which the VSBoiling group showed the highest potential. All extracts showed anti-inflammatory effects in Caco-2 cells induced with tumor necrosis factor-a. The contents and bioactivity of polyphenols are largely retained in PP subjected to different cooking processes. VSBoiling resulted in the highest extractability of polyphenolic compound