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Research Project: Systematics of Moths Significant to Biodiversity, Quarantine, and Control, with a Focus on Invasive Species

Location: Systematic Entomology Laboratory

Title: Ronald William Hodges, 1934-2017: Eminent Lepidopterist and Great Mentor


Submitted to: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Publication Type: Other
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/1/2018
Publication Date: 5/18/2018
Citation: Solis, M.A. 2018. Ronald William Hodges, 1934-2017: Eminent Lepidopterist and Great Mentor. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 120(2):466-477.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Dr. Ronald William Hodges (1934-2017) was an eminent lepidopterist and former Research Leader of the Systematic Entomology Laboratory from 1976 to 1979. He published on 117 genera (21 new), 806 species (351 new), 36 subfamilies (7 new), and 16 families (7 new) about gelechioid micromoths. He was awarded the Karl Jordan Medal in 1997 from the Lepidopterists' Society for his work on Gelechioidea. In 1990, he received the Thomas Say Award from the Entomological Society of America for the Moths of America North of Mexico series that he co-founded and was general editor for many years. He was curator of many micromoth families of the U. S. National Collection, Smithsonian Institution, which consisted of about 200-300,000 specimens. He made a major addition and contribution to the development of the National Insect Collection by personally collecting and preparing a staggering 65,000 moths from critical geographic areas.