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Title: Efficacies of commercial sticky yellow rectangles against eight Rhagoletis fly species (Dipt., Tephritidae) in Washington state, USA

item Yee, Wee
item GOUGHNOUR, ROBERT - Washington State University

Submitted to: Journal of Applied Entomology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/11/2014
Publication Date: 5/1/2015
Citation: Yee, W.L., Goughnour, R.B. 2015. Efficacies of commercial sticky yellow rectangles against eight Rhagoletis fly species (Dipt., Tephritidae) in Washington state, USA. Journal of Applied Entomology. 39(4):289-301.

Interpretive Summary: Rhagoletis fruit flies include some of most important quarantine pests of fruit crops in the western U.S. Identifying traps that catch the most flies can help prevent or reduce the spread of these flies into commercial fruit-growing areas. Personnel at the USDA-ARS Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory in Wapato, WA and at Washington State University in Vancouver determined the efficacy of five commercial yellow sticky rectangle traps against eight species of Rhagoletis fruit flies. A sticky yellow plastic rectangle that was translucent caught more flies of all species than various sticky yellow cardboard rectangles. Results suggest sticky yellow plastic rectangles could be used with greater efficacy than sticky yellow cardboard rectangles to detect and manage pestiferous Rhagoletis species.

Technical Abstract: Traps are used against Rhagoletis flies (Dipt., Tephritidae) for detection in fly management and ecological studies. Here, the main objective was to identify the most efficacious of five commercial sticky yellow rectangles baited with ammonium carbonate against R. indifferens Curran, R. pomonella (Walsh), R. completa Cresson, R. zephyria Snow, R. basiola (Osten-Sacken), R. berberis Curran, R. ribicola Doane, and R. tabellaria (Fitch) in Washington state, USA. Two plastic yellow sticky strips (YSS) supplemented with Tanglefoot adhesive (TF), the Agrisense (AGS)-YSS + TF and Olson (OS)-YSS + TF, and three sticky yellow cardboards, the Pherocon AM, Multigard AM, and Alpha Scents (AS) Yellow Card, were tested. The AGS-YSS + TF and the OS-YSS + TF were generally the most effective traps against all species. The AS Yellow Card was more effective than the Pherocon AM, and all were more effective than the Multigard AM. Traps usually caught more female than male flies. Adding TF to the Pherocon AM made the trap as effective as the AGS-YSS + TF against R. completa and R. pomonella. The YSS + TF traps as deployed in this study appear to be the most effective sticky yellow rectangles yet identified for detecting most Rhagoletis flies, with the Pherocon AM + TF as effective against R. completa and R. pomonella.