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ARS Home » Plains Area » Las Cruces, New Mexico » Range Management Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #293351

Title: A land-potential knowledge system (LandPKS) based on local and scientific knowledge of land productivity and resilience

item URAMA, KEVIN - African Agricultural Technology Foundatin
item Karl, Jason
item BOOS, JOHN - Us Agency For International Development (USAID)
item JOHNSON, MARI-VAUGHN - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, USDA)
item SHEPHERD, KEITH - Non ARS Employee
item HEMPEL, JON - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, USDA)
item DAVIES, JONATHAN - Non ARS Employee
item GUERRA, JORGE LARSON - Non ARS Employee
item KOSNIK, CHRIS - Us Agency For International Development (USAID)
item KIMITI, DAVID - New Mexico State University
item LOSINYEN, ABRAHAM - Duke University
item MULLER, KIT - Bureau Of Land Management
item NORFLEET, LEE - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, USDA)
item OZOR, NICHOLAS - Non ARS Employee
item REINSCH, THOMAS - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, USDA)
item SARUKHAN, JOSE - Non ARS Employee
item WEST, LARRY - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS, USDA)

Submitted to: Meeting Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/1/2012
Publication Date: 4/3/2013
Citation: Herrick, J.E., K.C. Urama, J.W. Karl, J. Boos, M-V.V. Johnson, K.D. Shepherd, J. Hempel, B.T. Bestelmeyer, J. Davies, J. Larson Guerra, C. Kosnik, D.W. Kimiti, A. Losinyen Ekai, K. Muller, L. Norfleet, N. Ozor, T. Reinsch, J. Sarukhan and L.T. West. 2013. A Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) Based on Local and Scientific Knowledge of Land Productivity and Resilience. Pp 314-318 In: W.J. Amman, M. Stal, A. Roth, S. Jacquet and M. Stiffler, editors. UNCCD 2d Scientific Conference Extended Abstracts, Oral Presentations and Workshops. Bonn, Germany, April 9-11, 2013.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Economic assessment of land use change in drylands depends on understanding potential productivity, degradation resistance and resilience, all of which vary widely and are often ignored. Rapidly increasing demand, together with new technologies, migration and global capital mobility are driving dramatic land use changes. Management practices that are productive and sustainable on one type of land may, when applied to adjacent lands, result in irreversible degradation due to differences in soil, topography and climate. Conversely, lessons learned on land separated by thousands of kilometers are often relevant, provided that similar conditions exist. New technologies, including cloud-computing, digital soil mapping, GPS-enabled camera phones, and mobile ‘apps’ now provide the opportunity to gather, integrate and share new knowledge and information about land potential, while global databases make existing knowledge more accessible and easier to match to relevant conditions. A new “Land-Potential Knowledge System” (LandPKS) will integrate existing natural resource databases with targeted field data collection of knowledge and information using new cell phone-based tools. An understanding of land potential can be used to determine where: (1) land is not meeting its productive potential (for all ecosystem services), (2) unrealistic expectations are driving unsustainable development investments, and (3) proposed intensification is likely to lead to irreversible degradation. Decision tools will support land use planning and targeted interventions by governments, development and conservation organizations and farmers. Knowledge of land potential can dramatically increase the return on investment by focusing resources on sustainable land uses and management strategies.