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Title: Fish gelatin: Material properties and applications

item Chiou, Bor Sen
item AVENA-BUSTILLOS, ROBERTO - University Of California
item Bechtel, Peter
item Imam, Syed
item Glenn, Gregory
item McHugh, Tara
item Orts, William

Submitted to: CRC Press
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/16/2011
Publication Date: 4/5/2012
Citation: Chiou, B., Avena-Bustillos, R.J., Bechtel, P.J., Imam, S.H., Glenn, G.M., Mchugh, T.H., Orts, W.J. 2012. Fish gelatin: Material properties and applications. In: Fornasiero, P., Grazianai, M., editors. Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge, 2nd edition. New York, NY: CRC Press. p. 143-157.

Interpretive Summary: This book chapter provides fundamental background information and current research on fish gelatin. Fish gelatin is extracted from fish skin, which in the fishing industry is usually considered a waste byproduct. Consequently, various research groups are developing value-added products from fish gelatin so that this byproduct can be used more efficiently. Some of these products include coatings, packaging materials, adhesives, and food texture modifiers.

Technical Abstract: The main difference between fish gelatin and mammalian gelatin is fish gelatin’s lower gelation temperature. This property limits the use of fish gelatin in applications that currently utilize mammalian gelatin. However, fish gelatin remains an attractive alterative to mammalian gelatin due to religious considerations and the potentially large amounts that can be extracted from byproducts generated by the fishing industry. Various research groups have used different methods to improve fish gelatin properties, including cross-linking, blending with polysaccharides, and adding salts. Fish gelatin has also been examined for various applications, including protective coatings for foods, renewable and biodegradable packaging materials, texture modifiers for desserts and spreads, antioxidant additives, and emulsifiers. Fish gelatin will be more widely used in the future as new methods are developed to modify or enhance its unique physical properties.