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Research Project: Climate Smart Agriculture Resources Workbook for California Specialty Crops

Location: Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research

Project Number: 2032-12610-001-003-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement

Start Date: Aug 1, 2019
End Date: Sep 30, 2021

Develop, Pilot and Publish an Adaptation Resources Workbook for Specialty Crop Producers in California.

1) Obtain, populate and amass grower and farmer needs assessment based on a combination of focused/organized workshops and other available but yet to be synthesized data. 2) Prepare a compilation of the pertinent climate change vulnerabilities and assessments for agricultural production in the state. Key vulnerabilities are likely to include: water stress, water limitation (availability reduction), poor water quality, heat stress/extreme heat, loss of chill requirements as key examples. 3) Develop, per the feedback and other available data and input, draft adaptation strategies and approaches, that are research-based for California (or analogs where appropriate) for specialty crops produced in the state. Final product will be tailored per input from NFCH and through user workshops. 4) Synthesize adaptation demonstrations and case studies - depending on funding availability we would like to have one case study or demonstration for each strategy included. 5) Conduct 2-4 webinars, in-person workshops to share product and educate users on use of workshop. We will work closely with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), CA RCDs, National Resources Conservation Service and UC Cooperative Extensions on each outreach and education events. 6) Make final product available electronically on the USDA Climate Hub Program website and limited in print units.