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Research Project: Multifaceted Pathways to Climate-smart Agriculture Through Integrated Participatory Program Development and Delivery

Location: Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research

Project Number: 2032-12610-002-011-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jun 30, 2022
End Date: Jun 29, 2024

The overarching goal of this proposal is to develop a multifaceted pathway to climate-smart agriculture through stakeholders needs assessments; climate-smart agriculture training for technical service providers; and student education with Extension service-learning opportunities. This will result in: 1) agricultural communities, including socially disadvantaged groups, are better prepared to deal with climate risks; 2) technical service providers are better connected and equipped with tools and resources to assist their stakeholders; and 3) the next generation climate-ready workforce is equipped with scientific knowledge and resources to provide climate-smart agricultural solutions to stakeholders.

The overall project approach is to conduct focused and detailed needs assessments and associated reports, develop and conduct regional workshops for farmers and ranchers, training for technical service providers, and develop and run an education with extension service learning opportunities. Specifically, these funds will support the employment of a postdoctoral fellow to be supervised by the Cooperator Principal Investigator. The postdoc will be principally responsible for conducting and managing activities related to the project's Stakeholder Needs Assessment, which is a critical first step in conducting the overall project. This individual will be responsible for conducting the analyses and preparing peer reviewed publications of the results, as well as synthesizing the results of the needs assessment such that the results guide the design of additional project activities.