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Research Project: Discovery of Novel Traits to Improve Efficiency and Sustainability of Different Sheep Production Systems

Location: Livestock Bio-Systems

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

Sheep GEMS update: Using genotypes to reduce Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) susceptibilty - (Trade Journal)
Freking, B.A. 2024. Sheep GEMS update: Using genotypes to reduce Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) susceptibilty. Sheep Industry News. ASI Weekly Newsletter. August 30, 2024. p.2-3.

Milk microbiome in the first month of lactation and at weaning from ewes supplemented with zinc pre- and postpartum Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Knuth, R.M., Page, C.M., Stewart, W.C., Hummel, G.L., Woodruff, K.L., Whaley, J.R., Springer, A.L., Austin, K.J., Murphy, T.W., Bisha, B., Cunningham-Hollinger, H.C. 2024. Milk microbiome in the first month of lactation and at weaning from ewes supplemented with zinc pre- and postpartum. Journal of Animal Science. 102. Article skae163.

Flashtags: Evaluating a novel deterrent to reduce livestock depredation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)

Sheep GEMS Update: Lambing assistance and udder health scores - (Popular Publication)
Lewis, R., Murphy, T., Freking, B., Burke, J. 2024. Sheep GEMS Update: Lambing assistance and udder health scores. Eastern Alliance for Production Katahdins Newsletter. Winter 2023 Newsletter. p. 10-11.

Meet the Research Leaders at NSIP - (Popular Publication)
Murphy, T.W., Brito, L.F., Hess, A.S., Lewis, R.M. 2023. Meet the Research Leaders at NSIP. Sheep Industry News. (27)8:14-15.

The potential value of international sheep evaluations - (Popular Publication)
Hess, A.S., Brito, L.F., Murphy, T.W. 2023. The potential value of international sheep evaluations. Sheep Industry News. (27)8:30-31.

A journey into sheep GEMS - (Popular Publication)
Lewis, R.M., Brito, L., Freking, B., Burke, J.M., Murphy, T., Taylor, J.B., Wilson, C.S., Nilson, S., Arisman, B., Oliveira Rocha, A., Yazar Gunes, H. 2023. A journey into sheep GEMS. Sheep Industry News. 27(8):24-26.

Is scrotal ultrasound a useful tool in ram breeding soundness examination? Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Murphy, T.W., Freking, B.A., Wildeus, S., Miles, J.R., Cushman, R., Snider, A.P., Rempel, L.A. 2023. Is scrotal ultrasound a useful tool in ram breeding soundness examination? Journal of Animal Science. 101(Supplement 3):654.

Comparison of three maternal composite sheep breeds managed under pasture lambing and purebred or terminal mating systems: Ewe body weight, reproductive efficiency, and longevity Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Murphy, T.W., Freking, B.A., Bennett, G.L. 2022. Comparison of three maternal composite sheep breeds managed under pasture lambing and purebred or terminal mating systems: Ewe body weight, reproductive efficiency, and longevity. Journal of Animal Science. 101. Article skac418.

Impact of four ovine TMEM154 haplotypes on ewes during multiyear lentivirus exposure Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Freking, B.A., Murphy, T.W., Chitko-McKown, C.G., Workman, A.M., Heaton, M.P. 2022. Impact of four ovine TMEM154 haplotypes on ewes during multiyear lentivirus exposure. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(23). Article 14966.