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Research Project: Support for the Evaluation of Innovative Methods of Groundwater Recharge through On-farm Reservoirs and Wells

Location: Delta Water Management Research

Project Number: 6024-13000-003-058-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jan 1, 2021
End Date: Dec 31, 2021

Quantify impacts of innovative methods of groundwater recharge through on-farm reservoirs and wells.

Surface water/groundwater level data collection will continue at established locations in Northeast Arkansas (Craighead, Poinsett, and Mississippi Counties). Water sample collection of precipitation, surface waters, soil waters, and groundwaters for stable isotope analysis will continue during winter season across established sites to collect groundwater recharge information. The analysis of the isotopes will continue through collaboration with Louisiana State University. Artificial recharge efforts of the alluvial aquifer will continue with the focus of the effort attempted through infiltration galleries. Now that we have gained approval from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, we will construct the first set of infiltration galleries in October/November 2019. Source water will be from an on-farm storage reservoir during the winter months. A case study of two systems is planned for November-April of 2020 at a site northeast of Weiner, AR. Water quality analyses and groundwater level changes will provide information about the utility of these systems.