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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Ames, Iowa » National Animal Disease Center » Virus and Prion Research » Research » Research Project #435355

Research Project: Characterization of the Evolution of Influenza A Viruses (IAV) in Swine and Pathotyping of IAV in the Natural Host

Location: Virus and Prion Research

Project Number: 5030-32000-231-021-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement

Start Date: Aug 16, 2018
End Date: Apr 30, 2021

The overall outcomes of this study are to contribute to animal and/or human influenza surveillance and research, pathogenesis and host response research, and pandemic public health research response plan and risk assessment. The specific objectives of this study are to quantify swine influenza virus (SIV) antigenic evolution at domestic and international levels, investigate pathogenesis and transmission of emerging influenza A viruses in the swine host.

Contemporary influenza virus isolates will be used to immunize pigs to generate swine antisera. The antiserum panels will be used in serologic assays to quantify antigenic evolution of domestic isolates and the antigenic relatedness of viruses globally to provide criteria for identifying changes of concern for swine or human health. Sequence analysis will be used to generate prediction models for cross-reactivity and subsequent cross-protection studies in swine. Likewise, genetic and antigenic analysis will be used to identify genetically variant SIV for in vivo pathogenesis and transmission studies in the swine host. Isolates will be identified based on sequence analysis, phenotyping in pigs, and/or human health events.