Current Weather Data |
Temperatures and Precipitation for 10/29/2024 - 11/4/2024
Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | |
Low | 61 | 69 | 70 | 64 | 65 | 65 | 70 |
High | 83 | 85 | 82 | 80 | 81 | 73 | 79 |
Precip | 0 | 0 | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 0.08 | 0 |
NOTE: The weather data displayed on this page is collected at the United States Department of Agriculture, Knipling-Bushland U. S. Livestock Insects Research Laboratory in Kerrville, Texas.
Precipitation amounts are for the 24 hour period ending at 8:00 AM on the day indicated.
Temperature and Rainfall data so far this month.
Summary for October 2024:
The total rainfall for the month was 0.02″, which is 3.17" below the 30 year average monthly rainfall of 3.19″.
The total rainfall for the year to date was 24.44″, which is 0.76″ below the 30 year average of 25.20″ for the year to date.
Temperatures averaged 72.4° which is 5.3° above the 30 year average of 67.1°.
The average high for the month was 86.6° which is 6.8° above the 30 year average of 79.8°.
The average low was 58.1°, which is 3.8° above the 30 year average of 54.3°.
High temperature recorded for the month was 96°, and low temperature for the month was 48°.
The first graph shows the year to date rainfall, the normal amount to date (30 year average).
The second graph shows the rainfall for each month of the year in 2016 and the normal amount (30 year average) for each month.
The remaining graphs show monthly rainfall and normals (30 year average) for previous years.
** Please note: The graphs which appear on this page are a visual representation of the weather data collected at KBUSLIRL. For specific rainfall data, please refer to the table above and/or the links to data made available on this site.