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Christopher Gottschalk
Innovative Fruit Production, Improvement, and Protection
Research Geneticist

Phone: (304) 725-3451 ext. 264
Fax: (304) 728-2340

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Superior Fruit Tree Cultivars for Orchard Resilience, Sustainability, and Consumer Appeal
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 443967
Germplasm Evaluation for Fruit Quality and Post-Harvest Traits
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T)
  Accession Number: 442669

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Comparative genomic analysis of R-genes reveals similarities and polymorphisms between HLB-resistant wild Australian limes and susceptible cultivated citrus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Over a century of pear breeding at the USDA Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Gottschalk, C.C., Dardick, C.D., Volk, G.M., Bell, R. 2024. Over a century of pear breeding at the USDA. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15:1474143.
Unveiling the arsenal of apple bitter rot fungi: comparative genomics identifies candidate effectors, CAZymes and biosynthetic gene clusters in Colletotrichum species Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Khodadadi, F., Luciano-Rosario, D., Gottschalk, C.C., Jurick Ii, W.M., Acimovic, S. 2024. Unveiling the arsenal of apple bitter rot fungi: comparative genomics identifies candidate effectors, CAZymes and biosynthetic gene clusters in Colletotrichum species. The Journal of Fungi. 10(7):493.
Register of new fruit and nut cultivars list 52 Reprint Icon - (Research Notes)
Karp, D., Gasic, K., Gottschalk, C.C. 2024. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars list 52. HortScience. 59(8):1220-1292.
The near-gapless penicillium fuscoglaucum genome enables the discovery of lifestyle features as an emerging post-harvest phytopathogen Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Luciano-Rosario, D., Jurick Ii, W.M., Gottschalk, C.C. 2024. The near-gapless penicillium fuscoglaucum genome enables the discovery of lifestyle features as an emerging post-harvest phytopathogen. The Journal of Fungi. 10(6):430.
Vulnerability of pear (Pyrus) genetic resources in the U.S. Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Waite, J.M., Gottschalk, C.C., Reinhold Aboosaie, L.A., Bassil, N.V., Volk, G.M., Postman, J., Elkins, R., Bell, R. 2024. Vulnerability of pear (Pyrus) genetic resources in the U.S. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.
A haplotype resolved chromosome-scale assembly of North American wild apple Malus fusca and comparative genomics of the fire blight Mfu10 locus Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mansfeld, B., Yocca, A., Ou, S., Harkness, A., Burchard, E.A., Gutierrez, B.L., Van Nocker, S., Gottschalk, C.C. 2023. A haplotype resolved chromosome-scale assembly of North American wild apple Malus fusca and comparative genomics of the fire blight Mfu10 locus. The Plant Journal.
A haplotype resolved chromosome-scale assembly of North American wild apple Malus fusca and comparative genomics of the fire blight Mfu10 locus Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Mansfeld, B., Yocca, A., Ou, S., Harkness, A., Burchard, E.A., Gutierrez, B.L., Van Nocker, S., Gottschalk, C.C. 2023. A haplotype resolved chromosome-scale assembly of North American wild apple Malus fusca and comparative genomics of the fire blight Mfu10 locus. bioRxiv.
Conservation and divergence of expression of GA2-oxidase homeologs in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, S., Gottschalk, C.C., Van Nocker, S. 2023. Conservation and divergence of expression of GA2-oxidase homeologs in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) . Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1117069.
Progress on the molecular characterization of the USDA National Pear Collection Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bassil, N.V., King, R., Nyberg, A.M., Zurn, J., Clare, S.J., Reinhold Aboosaie, L.A., Postman, J., Gilmore, B., Flores, G.N., Volk, G.M., Jenderek, M.M., Montanari, S., Chagne, D., Bus, V., Brewer, L., Dardick, C.D., Gottschalk, C.C., Durel, C., Denance, C. 2023. Progress on the molecular characterization of the USDA National Pear Collection. Acta Horticulturae. 1384:273-280.
‘Bell’ pear Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bell, R., Schuup, J., Dardick, C.D., Demuth, M.A., Gottschalk, C.C. 2023. ‘Bell’ pear. HortScience. 58(8):832-835.
Malus species with diverse bloom times exhibit variable rates of floral development Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Goeckeritz, C., Gottschalk, C.C., Hollender, C., Van Nocker, S. 2023. Malus species with diverse bloom times exhibit variable rates of floral development. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 148:2.
Improved genome assembly resource of the plant pathogen Fusarium avenaceum Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gottschalk, C.C., Evans, B.E., Collum, T.D. 2023. Improved genome assembly resource of the plant pathogen Fusarium avenaceum. American Phytopathological Society.
First report of Fusarium avenaceum causing postharvest decay of European pear in mid-atlantic United States Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Collum, T.D., Evans, B.E., Gottschalk, C.C. 2023. First report of Fusarium avenaceum causing postharvest decay of European pear in mid-atlantic United States. Plant Disease.
Meta-analysis of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) fruit and juice quality traits for potential use in hard cider production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gottschalk, C.C., Vanderweide, J., Van Nocker, S. 2022. Meta-analysis of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) fruit and juice quality traits for potential use in hard cider production. Plants, People, Planet. 3.10262.
Notice to fruit growers and nursery growers of release of the pear tree 'Bell' - (Other)
Conservation and characterization of the USDA national pear collection Reprint Icon - (Abstract Only)
Bassil, N.V., Reinhold Aboosaie, L.A., Zurn, J., Postman, J., Gilmore, B.S., Flores, G.N., Nyberg, A.M., King, R., Driskill, M., Olson, J.E., Volk, G.M., Jenderek, M.M., Montanari, S., Chagne, D., Bus, V., Brewer, L., Dardick, C.D., Gottschalk, C.C., Durel, C., Denance, C. 2022. Conservation and characterization of the USDA national pear collection. Acta Horticulturae.