Nicholas E Stigura
Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit
IT Specialist
Phone: (404) 695-6000
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Evaluation of variability in seed coat color, weight, oil content, and fatty acid composition within the entire USDA-cultivated peanut germplasm collection
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, M.L., Tonnis, B.D., Chen, C., Li, X., Pinnow, D.L., Tallury, S.P., Stigura, N.E., Pederson, G.A., Harrison, M.L. 2022. Evaluation of variability in seed coat color, weight, oil content, and fatty acid composition within the entire USDA-cultivated peanut germplasm collection. Crop Science. 62:2332-2346.
Evaluation of the entire USDA Cultivated Peanut Germplasm Collection
- (Abstract Only)
Wang, M.L., Tonnis, B.D., Chen, C., Pinnow, D.L., Tallury, S.P., Stigura, N.E., Pederson, G.A., Harrison, M.L. 2022. Evaluation of the entire USDA Cultivated Peanut Germplasm Collection. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 77:2.