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Gregory Fuerst
Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research
Geneticist Plants

Phone: (515) 294-2893
Fax: (515) 294-2265

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Protein-protein networks in an integrated barley-powdery mildew interactome - (Abstract Only)
Velasquez-Zapata, V., Elmore, J.M., Patel, S., Smith, S., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2024. Protein-protein networks in an integrated barley-powdery mildew interactome. Fungal Genetics Conference Proceedings. Abstract no. 662A Protein-protein networks in an integrated barley-powdery mildew interactome. 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference March 12–17, 2024 | Asilomar Conference Grounds | Pacific Grove, CA |
iTAG: Interactive laboratory exercises to explore genotype and phenotype using Oregon Wolfe barley Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wise, R.P., Fuerst, G.S., Peters, N., Boury, N., McGhee, L., Greene, M., Michaelson, S., Gonzalez, J., Hayes, N., Schuck, R., Maffin, L., Hall, G., Hubbard, T., Whigham, E. 2024. iTAG: Interactive laboratory exercises to explore genotype and phenotype using Oregon Wolfe barley. The Plant Health Instructor. 24.
Host-pathogen networks in an integrated barley-powdery mildew interactome - (Abstract Only)
Velasquez-Zapata, V., Elmore, J.M., Patel, S., Smith, S., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2024. Host-pathogen networks in an integrated barley-powdery mildew interactome. Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings. International Plant & Animal Genome / PAG 31 • January 12-17, 2024 • San Diego, CA, USA
Network hubs in pathogen-host interactions: Targets for next-generation breeding - (Abstract Only)
Velasquez-Zapata, V., Elmore, J.M., Patel, S., Smith, S., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2024. Network hubs in pathogen-host interactions: Targets for next-generation breeding. Barley Improvement Conference Proceedings, January 10-11, 2024, San Diego, California.
An interolog-based barley interactome as an integration framework for immune signaling Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Velasquez-Zapata, V., Elmore, J., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2022. An interolog-based barley interactome as an integration framework for immune signaling. Genetics. 221(2). Article iyac056.
Multi-layered characterization of the barley interactome links MLA immune receptor signaling with defense gene expression Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Velasquez-Zapata, V., Elmore, M.J., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2021. Multi-layered characterization of the barley interactome links MLA immune receptor signaling with defense gene expression. International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 34.
Disruption of barley immunity to powdery mildew by an in-frame Lys-Leu deletion in the essential protein SGT1 Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Chapman, A.E., Hunt, M., Surana, P., Velasquez-Zapata, V., Xu, W., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2021. Disruption of barley immunity to powdery mildew by an in-frame Lys-Leu deletion in the essential protein SGT1. Meeting Proceedings. 34.
Disruption of barley immunity to powdery mildew by an in-frame Lys-Leu deletion in the essential protein SGT1 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chapman, A.V., Hunt, M., Surana, P., Velasquez-Zapata, V., Xu, W., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2020. Disruption of barley immunity to powdery mildew by an in-frame Lys-Leu deletion in the essential protein SGT1. Genetics. 217(2).
NGPINT: a next-generation protein-protein interaction software Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Banerjee, S., Velasquez-Zapata, V., Fuerst, G.S., Elmore, J.M., Wise, R.P. 2020. NGPINT: a next-generation protein-protein interaction software. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 22(4).
Small RNA discovery in the interaction between barley and the powdery mildew pathogen Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hunt, M., Banerjee, S., Surana, P., Liu, M., Fuerst, G.S., Mathioni, S., Meyers, B.C., Nettleton, D., Wise, R.P. 2019. Small RNA discovery in the interaction between barley and the powdery mildew pathogen. Biomed Central(BMC)Genomics. 20.
Inter-chromosomal transfer of immune regulation during infection of barley with the powdery mildew pathogen - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Surana, P., Xu, R., Fuerst, G.S., Chapman, A., Nettleton, D., Wise, R.P. 2017. Inter-chromosomal transfer of immune regulation during infection of barley with the powdery mildew pathogen. Genes, Genomes, and Genomics.
iTAG Barley: A grade 7-12 curriculum to explore inheritance of traits and genes using Oregon Wolfe Barley - (Book / Chapter)
McGhee, L., Hayes, N., Schuck, R., Maffin, L., Hall, G., Hubband, T., Whigham, E., Fuerst, G.S., Wise, R.P. 2016. iTAG Barley: A grade 7-12 curriculum to explore inheritance of traits and genes using Oregon Wolfe Barley. iTunes. Available: &
The knottin-like Blufensin family regulates genes involved in nuclear import and the secretory pathway in barley-powdery mildew interactions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, W., Meng, Y., Surana, P., Fuerst, G.S., Nettleton, D., Wise, R.P. 2015. The knottin-like Blufensin family regulates genes involved in nuclear import and the secretory pathway in barley-powdery mildew interactions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 6:409. DOI:10.3389/fpls.2015.00409.
Broadly conserved fungal effector BEC1019 suppresses host cell death and enhances pathogen virulence in powdery mildew of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Whigham, E., Qi, S., Mistry, D., Surana, P., Xu, R., Fuerst, G.S., Pliego, C., Bindschedler, L., Spanu, P., Dickerson, J., Innes, R.W., Nettleton, D., Bogdanove, A.J., Wise, R.P. 2015. Broadly conserved fungal effector BEC1019 suppresses host cell death and enhances pathogen virulence in powdery mildew of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 28(9): 968-983. DOI:
Flor revisited (again): eQTL and mutational analysis of NB-LRR mediated immunity to powdery mildew in barley - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wise, R.P., Surana, P., Fuerst, G.S., Xu, R., Mistry, D., Dickerson, J., Nettleton, D. 2014. Flor revisited (again): eQTL and mutational analysis of NB-LRR mediated immunity to powdery mildew in barley. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 13(2):237-243.
Genetical Genomic Dissection of Stem Rust Infection in Barley - (Abstract Only)
Lauter, N.C., Moscou, M.J., Rodriguez, J.E., Fuerst, G.S., Steffenson, B.J., Jin, Y., Szabo, L.J., Wise, R.P. 2007. Genetical Genomic Dissection of Stem Rust Infection in Barley [abstract]. Annual International Plant & Animal Genome Conference. Book of Abstracts. p. 17.