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Dhurba Neupane
Integrated Cropping Systems Research
Research Agronomist

Phone: (605) 693-5250
Fax: (605) 693-5240

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Improving Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability of Plant-based Food Systems in the Northeast States in a Manner that Enhances Nutrition and Public Health
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 447519
Designing Cool-Season Grain Polycultures for High Yield and Quality, Stability and Weed Suppression
Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 446284

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Uncovering genetic linkages in the rhizosphere contributing to adaptation Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Williams, J.L., Killian, E.Z., Halpin-Mccormick, A., Kantar, M.B., Sherman, J.D., Ewing, P.M., Eberly, J.O., Lachowiec, J. 2024. Uncovering genetic linkages in the rhizosphere contributing to adaptation. bioRxiv.
Sterile sentinels and MinION sequencing capture active soil microbial communities that differentiate crop rotations Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Erlandson, S.R., Ewing, P.M., Osborne, S.L., Lehman, R.M. 2024. Sterile sentinels and MinION sequencing capture active soil microbial communities that differentiate crop rotations. Environmental Microbiome. 19(1):1-15.
Real-time geoinformation systems to improve the quality, scalability, and cost of Internet of Things for agri-environment research Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Runck, B.C., Schultz, B., Bishop, J., Carlson, N., Chantigian, B., Deters, G., Erdmann, J., Ewing, P.M., Felzan, M., Fu, X. 2024. Real-time geoinformation systems to improve the quality, scalability, and cost of Internet of Things for agri-environment research. ArXiv. 10.48550/arXiv.2403.19477.
Dataset accompanying: Diversified grain rotations can be highly and reliably productive in unstable climates Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Ewing, P.M., Chim, B.K., Lehman, R.M., Osborne, S.L. 2024. Dataset accompanying: Diversified grain rotations can be highly and reliably productive in unstable climates. Ag Data Commons.
Diversified grain rotations can be highly and reliably productive in unstable climates Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ewing, P.M., Chim, B.K., Lehman, R.M., Osborne, S.L. 2024. Diversified grain rotations can be highly and reliably productive in unstable climates. Field Crops Research.
Local adaptation and broad performance are synergistic to productivity in modern barley - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ewing, P.M., Kantar, M.B., Killian, E., Neyhart, J.L., Sherman, J., Williams, J., Lachowiec, J., Eberly, J. 2024. Local adaptation and broad performance are synergistic to productivity in modern barley. Crop Science. 64(1):192-199.
Surmounting the tradeoff between productivity and weather resilience in diversified grain rotations Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Ewing, P.M., Chim, B.K., Lehman, R.M., Osborne, S.L. 2023. Surmounting the tradeoff between productivity and weather resilience in diversified grain rotations. AgriRXiv.
Adapting perennial grain and oilseed crops for climate resiliency Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Jungers, J., Runck, B.C., Ewing, P.M., Maaz, T., Carlson, C.H., Neyhart, J.L., Fumira, N., Bajgain, P., Subedei, S., Sharma, V., Senay, S., Hunter, M.C., Cureton, C., Gutknecht, J.L., Kantar, M.B. 2023. Adapting perennial grain and oilseed crops for climate resiliency. Crop Science. 63(4):1701–1721.
State spaces for agriculture: a meta-systematic design automation framework Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Runck, B.C., Streed, A., Wang, D., Ewing, P.M., Kantar, M.B., Raghavan, B. 2023. State spaces for agriculture: a meta-systematic design automation framework. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences-Nexus. 2(4):1-8.
Smallholder farms have and can store more carbon than previously estimated Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ewing, P.M., Tu, X., Runck, B., Nord, A., Chikowo, R., Snapp, S.S. 2022. Smallholder farms have and can store more carbon than previously estimated. Global Change Biology.
State spaces for agriculture: a meta-systematic design automation framework Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Runck, B.C., Streed, A., Wang, D., Ewing, P.M., Kantar, M.B., Raghavan, B. 2022. State spaces for agriculture: a meta-systematic design automation framework. AgriRXiv. Preprint.
Local to continental-scale variation in fitness and heritability in common bean Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
MacQueen, A.H., Khoury, C.K., Miklas, P.N., McClean, P.E., Osorno, J.M., Runck, B.C., White, J.W., Kantar, M.B., Ewing, P.M. 2022. Local to continental-scale variation in fitness and heritability in common bean. Crop Science. 62(2):767-779.
Rhizosphere microbial communities explain positive effects of diverse crop rotations on maize and soybean performance Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Benitez, M., Ewing, P.M., Osborne, S.L., Lehman, R.M. 2021. Rhizosphere microbial communities explain positive effects of diverse crop rotations on maize and soybean performance. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Article 108309.
Rhizosphere microbial communities predict positive effects of diverse crop rotations on corn and soybean performance: microbiome explain benefits of diverse rotations Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Benitez, M.S., Ewing, P.M., Osborne, S.L., Lehman, R.M. 2020. Rhizosphere microbial communities predict positive effects of diverse crop rotations on corn and soybean performance: microbiome explain benefits of diverse rotations. AgriRXiv. Preprint.
Diverse rotations mitigate the mutual suppression of corn and soybeans through the rhizosphere - (Abstract Only)
Ewing, P.M., Benitez, M.S., Osborne, S.L., Lehman, R.M. 2020. Diverse rotations mitigate the mutual suppression of corn and soybeans through the rhizosphere [abstract]. Tri-Societies Annual Meeting, November 11, 2020. Virtual.