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Title: Biobased Lubricant Development - Problems and Opportunities

item Biresaw, Girma

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/12/2010
Publication Date: 1/12/2010
Citation: Biresaw, G. 2010. Biobased Lubricant Development - Problems and Opportunities [abstract]. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Detroit Area Section Monthly Technical Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Biobased lubricants are those comprising ingredients derived from natural sources such as those harvested from farms, forests, etc. Biolubricants provide a number of economic, environmental and health benefits over petroleum-based products. Among these are: biodegradability, renewability and non-toxicity. It is widely anticipated that widespread use of farm-based biolubricants will: reduce emission of greenhouse gases; reduce release of toxic waste stream into the air, rivers and land; reduce reliance on petroleum; generate new jobs and strengthen rural economy. Farm-based raw materials possess a number of tribological properties that make them highly desirable over petroleum-based raw materials. They also posses some inherent weaknesses that make them less than desirable. Thus, successful development of viable biolubricants from farm-based raw materials, especially for high demanding applications, will require overcoming a number of difficult tribological problems. In this presentation, recent efforts at biobased lubricant development from vegetable oils will be discussed.