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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Leetown, West Virginia » Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture Research » People & Locations » Timothy Leeds (Tim)

Timothy D Leeds (Tim)
Supervisory Research Geneticist

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Exposure dosage and host genetics influence the shedding kinetics of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Accurate genotype imputation from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data of rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, S., Martin, K.E., Snelling, W.M., Long, R., Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2024. Accurate genotype imputation from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data of rainbow trout. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics.
Genotype imputation from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Liu, S., Martin, K.E., Long, R., Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2024. Genotype imputation from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data in rainbow trout. Annual International Plant & Animal Genome Conference. PO0433.
Plasma proteomic profiling of bacterial cold-water disease resistant and susceptible rainbow trout lines and biomarker discovery - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wiens, G.D., Marancik, D.P., Chadwick, C.C., Osbourn, K.E., Reid, R.M., Leeds, T.D. 2023. Plasma proteomic profiling of bacterial cold-water disease resistant and susceptible rainbow trout lines and biomarker discovery. Frontiers in Immunology. 14.
RNA-Seq analysis of the pyloric caecum, liver, and muscle reveals molecular mechanisms regulating fillet color in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ahmed, R.O., Ali, A., Leeds, T.D., Salem, M. 2023. RNA-Seq analysis of the pyloric caecum, liver, and muscle reveals molecular mechanisms regulating fillet color in rainbow trout. BMC Genomics. 24:579.
Growth, fillet yield, and muscle quality traits are not affected by a genotype by environment interaction in rainbow trout consuming diets that differ in lipid content - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cleveland, B.M., Radler, L.M., Leeds, T.D. 2023. Growth, fillet yield, and muscle quality traits are not affected by a genotype by environment interaction in rainbow trout consuming diets that differ in lipid content. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 1-15.
Genomic selection models substantially improve the accuracy of genetic merit predictions for fillet yield and body weight in rainbow trout using a multi-trait model and multi-generation progeny testing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
L. S. Garcia, A., Tsuruta, S., Gao, G., Palti, Y., Lourenco, T., Leeds, T.D. Genomic selection models substantially improve the accuracy of genetic merit predictions for fillet yield and body weight in rainbow trout using a multi-trait model and multi-generation progeny testing. Genetics Selection Evolution. 55:11 (2013).
Plasma proteomic profiling of bacterial cold-water disease resistant and susceptible rainbow trout lines and identification of a novel disease biomarker - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Marancik, D.P., Chadwick, C.C., Reid, R.M., Osbourn, K.E., Leeds, T.D. 2022. Plasma proteomic profiling of bacterial cold-water disease resistant and susceptible rainbow trout lines and identification of a novel disease biomarker. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 131(2022)1297.
Weighted single-step GWAS identifies genes influencing fillet color in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ahmed, R.O., Ali, A., Al-Tobasei, R., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2022. Weighted single-step GWAS identifies genes influencing fillet color in rainbow trout. Genes. 13(8),1331.
Genome-wide mapping of quantitative trait loci that can be used in marker-assisted selection for resistance to bacterial cold water disease in two commercial rainbow trout breeding populations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Evenhuis, J., Cheng, H., Fragomeni, B.O., Gao, G., Liu, S., Long, R., Shewbridge, K., Silva, R.O., Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Martin, K.E., Palti, Y. 2022. Genome-wide mapping of quantitative trait loci that can be used in marker-assisted selection for resistance to bacterial cold water disease in two commercial rainbow trout breeding populations. Aquaculture. 560(738574).
Identification of haplotypes associated with resistance to bacterial cold water disease in rainbow trout using whole-genome resequencing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, S., Martin, K.E., Gao, G., Long, R., Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2022. Identification of haplotypes associated with resistance to bacterial cold water disease in rainbow trout using whole-genome resequencing. Frontiers in Genetics. 13:936806.
Effects of duration and timing of immersion in 17alpha-methyltestosterone on sex reversal of female rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Weber, G.M., Leeds, T.D. 2022. Effects of duration and timing of immersion in 17alpha-methyltestosterone on sex reversal of female rainbow trout. Aquaculture Reports. 23: 101014.
Maternal transcript profiles associated with egg viability in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and comparisons among populations - (Abstract Only)
Aquaculture reuse water, genetic line and vaccination affect Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) disease susceptibility and infection dynamics - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Everson, J.L., Jones, D., Taylor, A., Rutan, B., Leeds, T.D., Langwig, K., Wargo, A.R., Wiens, G.D. 2021. Aquaculture reuse water, genetic line and vaccination affect Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) disease susceptibility and infection dynamics. Frontiers in Immunology. 12: Article 721048.
The accuracy of genomic predictions for bacterial cold water disease resistance remains higher than the pedigree-based model one generation after model training in a commercial rainbow trout breeding population - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Cheng, H., Fragomeni, B.O., Silva, R.O., Martin, K.E., Evenhuis, J., Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y. 2021. The accuracy of genomic predictions for bacterial cold water disease resistance remains higher than the pedigree-based model one generation after model training in a commercial rainbow trout breeding population. Aquaculture. 545:737164.
Comparisons among rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, populations of maternal transcript profile associated with egg viability - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Weber, G.M., Birkett, J.E., Martin, K., Dixon, II, D., Gao, G., Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Ma, H. 2021. Comparisons among rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, populations of maternal transcript profile associated with egg viability. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 22. Article 448.
Identification of high confidence structural variants in domesticated rainbow trout using whole-genome sequencing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, S., Gao, G., Layer, R.M., Thorgaard, G.H., Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Martin, K.E., Palti, Y. 2021. Identification of high confidence structural variants in domesticated rainbow trout using whole-genome sequencing. Frontiers in Genetics. 12:639355.
Genomic predictions for fillet yield and firmness in rainbow trout using reduced-density SNP panels - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Al-Tobasei, R., Ali, A., Garcia, A.L., Lourenco, D., Leeds, T.D., Salem, M. 2021. Genomic predictions for fillet yield and firmness in rainbow trout using reduced-density SNP panels. BMC Genomics. 22:92.
Analysis of the fecal microbiota of fast- and slow-growing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chapagain, P., Walker, D., Leeds, T.D., Cleveland, B.M., Salem, M. 2020. Analysis of the fecal microbiota of fast- and slow-growing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 20:788.
Genome-wide scan for common variants associated with intramuscular fat and moisture content in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, A., Al-Tobasei, R., Lourenco, D., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2020. Genome-wide scan for common variants associated with intramuscular fat and moisture content in rainbow trout. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 21(529):1-17.
Sex reversal of female rainbow trout by immersion in 17alpha-methyltestosterone - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Weber, G.M., Leeds, T.D. 2020. Sex reversal of female rainbow trout by immersion in 17alpha-methyltestosterone. Aquaculture. 528:735535.
Recirculation versus Flow-through Rainbow Trout Laboratory Flavobacterium Columnare Challenge - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Birkett, C., Lipscomb, R.S., Moreland, T.D., Leeds, T.D., Evenhuis, J. 2020. Recirculation versus Flow-through Rainbow Trout Laboratory Flavobacterium Columnare Challenge. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 139: 213–221.
Transcriptomic response to selective breeding for fast growth in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cleveland, B.M., Gao, G., Leeds, T.D. 2020. Transcriptomic response to selective breeding for fast growth in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Marine Biotechnology.
Identification of genomic loci associated with growth in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, A., Al-Tobasei, R., Lourenco, D., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2020. Identification of genomic loci associated with growth in rainbow trout. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 21(209).
Production and performance of tetraploid and intercross triploid rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Two generations of divergent selection for fillet yield in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: Direct and correlated response to selection - (Abstract Only)
Heritability estimates and genome-wide association analysis of egg quality traits in commercial rainbow trout breeding populations - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Gao, G., Long, R., Shewbridge, K., Leeds, T.D., Martin, K. 2020. Heritability estimates and genome-wide association analysis of egg quality traits in commercial rainbow trout breeding populations. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. 28th International Plant and Animal Genome Conference held in San Diego, CA, January 11, 2020. P.No.PO0433
Genomic regions associated with Columnaris disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Silva, R., Evenhuis, J., Vallejo, R.L., Gao, G., Martin, K., Leeds, T.D., Lourenco, D., Palti, Y. 2019. Genomic regions associated with Columnaris disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations. Genetics Selection Evolution. 51:42.
Supplementing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) broodstock diets with choline and methionine improves growth in offspring - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cleveland, B.M., Leeds, T.D., Picklo, M., Brentesen, C., Frost, J., Biga, P. 2019. Supplementing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) broodstock diets with choline and methionine improves growth in offspring. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 50(3):1-16.
Genome-wide association study identifies genomic loci affecting fillet firmness and protein content in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, A., Al-Tobasei, R., Lourenco, D., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2019. Genome-wide association study identifies genomic loci affecting fillet firmness and protein content in rainbow trout. Frontiers in Genetics. 10(386):1-17.
Effects of triploidy on genetic gains in a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) population selectively bred for diploid growth performance - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leeds, T.D., Weber, G.M. 2019. Effects of triploidization on genetic gains in a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) population selectively bred for diploid growth performance. Aquaculture. 505:481-487.
Genetic improvement of disease resistance through selective breeding: Concepts, considerations and limitations - ()
Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2019. Genetic improvement of disease resistance through selective breeding: Concepts, considerations and limitations. Global Aquaculture Advocate. 2019.
Variance and covariance estimates for resistance to bacterial cold water disease and columnaris disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Silva, R., Evenhuis, J., Vallejo, R.L., Tsuruta, S., Wiens, G.D., Martin, K., Parsons, J., Palti, Y., Lourenco, D., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Variance and covariance estimates for resistance to bacterial cold water disease and columnaris disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations. Journal of Animal Science. 97(3):1124-1132.
Effects of rearing triplet lambs on ewe productivity, lamb survival and performance, and future ewe performance - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Notter, D.R., Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Lewis, G.L., Taylor, J.B. 2018. Effects of rearing triplet lambs on ewe productivity, lamb survival and performance, and future ewe performance. Journal of Animal Science. 96(12):4944-4958.
Genome-wide association analysis with a 50K transcribed gene SNP-chip identifies QTL affecting muscle yield in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Salem, M., Al-Tobasei, R., Ali, A., Lourenco, D., Gao, G., Palti, Y., Kenney, B., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Genome-wide association analysis with a 50K transcribed gene SNP-chip identifies QTL affecting muscle yield in rainbow trout. Frontiers in Genetics [serial online]. 9:387. doi:10.3389/fgene.2018.00387.
Integrated analysis of IncRNA and mRNA expression in rainbow trout families showing variation in muscle growth and fillet quality traits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, A., Al-Tobasei, R., Kenney, B., Leeds, T.D., Salem, M. 2018. Integrated analysis of IncRNA and mRNA expression in rainbow trout families showing variation in muscle growth and fillet quality traits. Scientific Reports. 8:12111.
Three generations of selective breeding improved Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) disease resistance against natural challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum during early life-stage rearing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Three generations of selective breeding improved Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) disease resistance against natural challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum during early life-stage rearing [abstract]. Aquaculture. 497(2018):414-421.
Evaluation of marker-assisted selection for resistance to bacterial cold water disease in three generations of a commercial rainbow trout breeding population - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, S., Vallejo, R.L., Evenhuis, J., Martin, K.E., Hamilton, A., Gao, G., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2018. Evaluation of marker-assisted selection for resistance to bacterial cold water disease in three generations of a commercial rainbow trout breeding population [serial online]. Frontiers in Genetics. 9:286.
Lessons from the application of genomic selection to rainbow trout aquaculture - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Evenhuis, J., Silva, R., Liu, S., Gao, G., Martin, K., Lourenco, D., Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Lessons from the application of genomic selection to rainbow trout aquaculture. International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. 716:02.
Marker-assisted selection for resistance to bacterial cold water disease in a commercial rainbow trout breeding population - (Abstract Only)
Liu, S., Vallejo, R.L., Evenhuis, J., Martin, K.E., Hamilton, A., Gao, G., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2018. Marker-assisted selection for resistance to bacterial cold water disease in a commercial rainbow trout breeding population [abstract]. International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. P:1330-1345.
Accurate genomic predictions for BCWD resistance in rainbow trout are achieved using low-density SNP panels: Evidence that strong long-range LD is a major contributing factor - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Silva, R.M., Evenhuis, J., Gao, G., Liu, S., Parsons, J.E., Martin, K.E., Wiens, G.D., Lourenco, D.A., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y. 2018. Accurate genomic predictions for BCWD resistance in rainbow trout are achieved using low-density SNP panels: Evidence that strong long-range LD is a major contributing factor. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 135:263–274.
Genetic improvement of disease resistance through selective breeding: Overview of concepts, considerations, and limitations - (Abstract Only)
Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2018. Genetic improvement of disease resistance through selective breeding: Overview of concepts, considerations, and limitations [abstract]. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. P-80-1.
Growth and fillet quality attributes of five genetic strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in a partial water reuse system and harvested at different sizes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Crouse, C., Davidson, J., Good, C., May, T., Summerfelt, S., Kenney, P., Leeds, T.D., Cleveland, B.M. 2018. Growth and fillet quality attributes of five genetic strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in a partial water reuse system and harvested at different sizes. Aquaculture Research. 49:1672-1681.
Sex reversal of rainbow trout by immersion of fry in 17-Alpha Methyltestosterone - (Abstract Only)
Weber, G.M., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Sex reversal of rainbow trout by immersion of fry in 17-Alpha Methyltestosterone [abstract]. Aquaculture America. P-513.
GWAS for detecting QTL associated with Columnaris Disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations - (Abstract Only)
Silva, R., Evenhuis, J., Vallejo, R.L., Gao, G., Martin, K., Misztal, I., Leeds, T.D., Lorenco, D., Palti, Y. 2018. GWAS for detecting QTL associated with Columnaris Disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. International Plant and Animal Genome XXVI. Paper No. 101.
Similar effects of QTL Haplotypes for Bacterial Cold Water Disease resistance across two generations in a commercial rainbow trout breeding population - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Liu, S., Vallejo, R.L., Martin, K., Evenhuis, J., Gao, G., Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Similar effects of QTL Haplotypes for Bacterial Cold Water Disease resistance across two generations in a commercial rainbow trout breeding population. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. International Plant and Animal Genome XXVI. Paper No. 103.
Accurate genomic predictions for bacterial cold water disease resistance using low-density SNP panels in rainbow trout - (Proceedings)
Vallejo, R.L., Silva, R., Evenhuis, J., Gao, G., Liu, S., Parsons, J., Martin, K., Lourenco, D., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y. 2018. Accurate genomic predictions for bacterial cold water disease resistance using low-density SNP panels in rainbow trout [abstract]. World Congress of Genetics Applied in Livestock Production. Species-Aquaculture 2:334.
Prospecting genomic regions associated with columnaris disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations - (Proceedings)
Silva, R., Evenhuis, J., Vallejo, R.L., Gao, G., Martin, K., Leeds, T.D., Lourenco, D., Palti, Y. 2018. Prospecting genomic regions associated with columnaris disease in two rainbow trout breeding populations [abstract]. World Congress of Genetics Applied in Livestock Production. GP2.
Selective breeding for enhance specific disease resistance: Practical considerations and potential applications - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D. 2018. Selective breeding for enhance specific disease resistance: Practical considerations and potential applications [abstract]. Aquaculture America Conference. P-521.
Similar genetic architecture with shared and unique quantitative trait loci for bacterial cold water disease resistance in two rainbow trout breeding populations Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Liu, S., Gao, G., Fragomeni, B.O., Hernandez, A.G., Leeds, T.D., Parsons, J.E., Martin, K.E., Evenhuis, J., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2017. Similar genetic architecture with shared and unique quantitative trait loci for bacterial cold water disease resistance in two rainbow trout breeding populations. Frontiers in Genetics. 8:156.
Identification of SNPs associated with muscle yield and quality traits using allelic-imbalance analysis analyses of pooled RNA-Seq samples in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tobasei, R., Ali, A., Leeds, T.D., Liu, S., Palti, Y., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2017. Identification of SNPs associated with muscle yield and quality traits using allelic-imbalance analysis analyses of pooled RNA-Seq samples in rainbow trout. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 18:582.
RNA-Seq reveals MicroRNA expression signature and genetic polymorphism associated with growth and muscle quality traits in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Paneru, B.D., Al-Tobasei, R., Kenney, B., Leeds, T.D., Salem, M. 2017. RNA-Seq reveals MicroRNA expression signature and genetic polymorphism associated with growth and muscle quality traits in rainbow trout [serial online]. Scientific Reports. 7:9078.
Genome-wide association studies reveal similar genetic architecture with shared and unique QTL for Bacterial Cold Water Disease resistance in two rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) breeding populations - ()
Vallejo, R.L., Liu, S., Gao, G., Fragomeni, B.O., Hernandez, A.G., Leeds, T.D., Parsons, J.E., Martin, K.E., Evenhuis, J., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2017. Genome-wide association studies reveal similar genetic architecture with shared and unique QTL for Bacterial Cold Water Disease resistance in two rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) breeding populations. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/163964.
Immersion of fry in 17-Alpha Methyltestosterone can be highly effective for sex reversal in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Weber, G.M., Leeds, T.D. 2017. Immersion of fry in 17-Alpha Methyltestosterone can be highly effective for sex reversal in rainbow trout [abstract]. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. P4411.
Genome-enabled selection doubles the accuracy of predicted breeding values for bacterial cold water disease resistance compared to traditional family-based selection in rainbow trout aquaculture - (Proceedings)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G., Parsons, J.E., Kyle, M.E., Evenhuis, J., Fragomeni, B.O., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2017. Genome-enabled selection doubles the accuracy of predicted breeding values for bacterial cold water disease resistance compared to traditional family-based selection in rainbow trout aquaculture. Genetics in Aquaculture Symposium. Proceedings of the 44th U.S.-Japan Aquaculture Panel Symposium:33-43.
Prospecting genomic regions associated with Columnaris disease in two commercially important rainbow trout breeding populations - (Abstract Only)
Silva, R., Vallejo, R.L., Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G., Parsons, J., Martin, K., Lourenco, D., Palti, Y. 2017. Prospecting genomic regions associated with Columnaris disease in two commercially important rainbow trout breeding populations [absctract]. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. 95:103.P209.
Genome-wide association studies identify 25 genetic loci associated with resistance to Bacterial Cold Water Disease in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Liu, S., Gao, G., Fragomeni, B.O., Hernandez, A.G., Leeds, T.D., Parsons, J., Martin, K., Evenhuis, J., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2017. Genome-wide association studies identify 25 genetic loci associated with resistance to Bacterial Cold Water Disease in rainbow trout [abstract]. Gordon Research Conferences. P245.
Dataset of proinflammatory cytokine and cytokine receptor gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) measured using a novel GeXP multiplex, RT-PCR assay Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kutyrev, I., Cleveland, B.M., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2017. Dataset of proinflammatory cytokine and cytokine receptor gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) measured using a novel GeXP multiplex, RT-PCR assay. Data in Brief. 11:192-196.
Aquaculture genomics, genetics and breeding in the United States: Current status, challenges, and priorities for future research - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blackburn, H.D., Abdelrahman, H., Bosworth, B.G., Leeds, T.D., Lui, Z., Waldbieser, G.C., Rexroad III, C.E., Tiersch, T. 2017. Aquaculture genomics, genetics and breeding in the United States: Current status, challenges, and priorities for future research. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 18:191.
Aquaculture genomics, genetics and breeding in the United States: current status, challenges, and priorities for future research Reprint Icon - ()
Liu, Z., Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Bosworth, B.G., Waldbieser, G.C., Palti, Y., Beck, B.H., Shoemaker, C.A., Blackburn, H.D., Rexroad III, C.E., Proestou, D.A. 2017. Aquaculture genomics, genetics and breeding in the United States: current status, challenges, and priorities for future research. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 18:191. doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3557-1.
Genomic selection exploits within-family genetic variation for disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Gao, G., Martin, K., Parsons, J., Wiens, G.D. 2017. Genomic selection exploits within-family genetic variation for disease resistance in rainbow trout [abstract]. Aquaculture America. p. 116.
Genomic selection models double the accuracy of predicted breeding values for bacterial cold water disease resistance compared to a traditional pedigree-based model in rainbow trout aquaculture Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G., Parsons, J.E., Martin, K.E., Evenhuis, J., Fragomeni, B.O., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2017. Genomic selection models double the accuracy of predicted breeding values for bacterial cold water disease resistance compared to a traditional pedigree-based model in rainbow trout aquaculture. Genetics Selection Evolution. 49(17):1-33. doi: 10.1186/s12711-017-0293-6.
Antisense long non-coding RNAs in rainbow trout: Discovery and potential role in muscle growth and quality traits - (Abstract Only)
Ali, A., Al-Tobasei, R., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2017. Antisense long non-coding RNAs in rainbow trout: Discovery and potential role in muscle growth and quality traits [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P1008.
MicroRNAs associated with muscle growth and fillet quality in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Paneru, B., Al-Tobasei, R., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2017. MicroRNAs associated with muscle growth and fillet quality in rainbow trout [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P1006.
Genome-wide association analysis of bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout reveals the potential of a hybrid approach between genomic selection and marker assisted selection - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Martin, K., Evenhuis, J., Gao, G., Liu, S., Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Parsons, J. 2017. Genome-wide association analysis of bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout reveals the potential of a hybrid approach between genomic selection and marker assisted selection [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. WO40(P1011).
Genome-wide association study for identifying loci that affect fillet yield, carcass, and body weight traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gonazlez-Pena, D., Gao, G., Baranski, M., Moen, T., Cleveland, B.M., Kenney, B., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Leeds, T.D. 2016. Genome-wide association study for identifying loci that affect fillet yield, carcass, and body weight traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Frontiers in Genetics. 7(203):1-14. doi:10.3389/fgen.2016.00203.
Genetic line by environment interaction on rainbow trout growth and processing traits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cleveland, B.M., Leeds, T.D., Rexroad III, C.E., Summerfelt, S., Good, C., Davidson, J., May, T., Crouse, C., Wolters, W.R., Plemmons, B., Kenney, P. 2017. Genetic line by environment interaction on rainbow trout growth and processing traits. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 79:140-154. doi:10.1080/15222055.2016.1271846.
Proinflammatory cytokine and cytokine receptor gene expression kinetics following challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum in resistant and susceptible lines of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kutyrev, I., Cleveland, B.M., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2016. Proinflammatory cytokine and cytokine receptor gene expression kinetics following challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum in resistant and susceptible lines of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 58:542-553. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2016.09.053.
Response to five generations of selection for growth performance traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Weber, G.M., Gonzalez-Pena, D., Silverstein, J. 2016. Response to five generations of selection for growth performance traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture. 465:341-351.
Evaluation of genome-enabled selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance using progeny performance data in Rainbow Trout: Insights on genotyping methods and genomic prediction models - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Fragomeni, B.O., Gao, G., Hernandez, A.G., Misztal, I., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2016. Evaluation of genome-enabled selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance using progeny performance data in Rainbow Trout: Insights on genotyping methods and genomic prediction models. Frontiers in Livestock Genomics. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2016.00096.
Genome-wide association study for identifying genome loci that affect fillet yield in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - (Abstract Only)
Gonzalez-Pena, D., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y. 2016. Genome-wide association study for identifying genome loci that affect fillet yield in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome. P075.
Genomic Selection For Bacterial Cold Water Disease Resistance In Rainbow Trout Reveals Large Within-Family Variation That Cannot Be Exploited In Traditional Family-based Selective Breeding - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Martin, K., Evenhuis, J., Gao, G., Wiens, G.D., Parsons, J., Palti, Y. 2016. Genomic Selection For Bacterial Cold Water Disease Resistance In Rainbow Trout Reveals Large Within-Family Variation That Cannot Be Exploited In Traditional Family-based Selective Breeding [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome. P0470.
Changes in gene expression during follicle maturation in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss - (Abstract Only)
Weber, G.M., Ma, H., Hoff De Souza, C.J., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G. 2016. Changes in gene expression during follicle maturation in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss [abstract]. Aquaculture America Conference. p. 19.
Selective breeding improves rainbow trout resistance against bacterial cold water disease with little evidence for change in tolerance - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Marancik, D.P., Leeds, T.D. 2015. Selective breeding improves rainbow trout resistance against bacterial cold water disease with little evidence for change in tolerance. Congress International Society Develop Comparative Immunology. P628-12.
Genomic selection for BCWD resistance in Rainbow trout using RADSNP and SNP genotyping platforms, single-step GBLUP and Bayesian variable selection models - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Liu, S., Gao, G., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2015. Genomic selection for BCWD resistance in Rainbow trout using RADSNP and SNP genotyping platforms, single-step GBLUP and Bayesian variable selection models [abstract]. International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. P05796.
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) resistance to columnaris disease is heritable and favorably correlated with bacterial cold water disease resistance - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D., Marancik, D.P., Welch, T.J., Lapatra, S. 2015. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) resistance to columnaris disease is heritable and favorably correlated with bacterial cold water disease resistance. Journal of Animal Science. DOI: 10.2527/jas.2014-8566.
Differences in growth, fillet quality, and fatty acid metabolism-related gene expression between juvenile male and female rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Manor, M.L., Cleveland, B.M., Kenney, P., Leeds, T.D. 2015. Differences in growth, fillet quality, and fatty acid metabolism-related gene expression between juvenile male and female rainbow trout. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Journal. 41(2):533-547.
Accuracy of genomic prediction for BCWD resistance in rainbow trout using different genotyping platforms and genomic selection models - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Liu, S., Gao, G., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2015. Accuracy of genomic prediction for BCWD resistance in rainbow trout using different genotyping platforms and genomic selection models. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P726.
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) resistance to columnaris disease is heritable and favorably correlated with bacterial cold water disease resistance - (Abstract Only)
Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Marancik, D.P., Lapatra, S., Wiens, G.D. 2015. Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) resistance to columnaris disease is heritable and favorably correlated with bacterial cold water disease resistance. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P223.
Genome-wide discovery of long non-coding RNAs in Rainbow Trout and their potential roles in muscle growth and quality - (Abstract Only)
Al-Tobasei, R., Paneru, B., Thorgaard, G., Yao, J., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2015. Genome-wide discovery of long non-coding RNAs in Rainbow Trout and their potential roles in muscle growth and quality. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P543.
RNA-Seq identifies SNPs associated with muscle yield and quality in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Paneru, B., Ali, A., Layman, R., Harris, A., Leeds, T.D., Kenney, B., Salem, M. 2015. RNA-Seq identifies SNPs associated with muscle yield and quality in rainbow trout. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P135.
Impact of changes in weight, fat depth, and loin muscle depth on carcass yield and value and implications for selection and pricing of rams from terminal-sire sheep breeds Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Notter, D.R., Mousel, M.R., Zerby, H.N., Surber, L.M., Leeds, T.D., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S., Taylor, J.B. 2014. Impact of changes in weight, fat depth, and loin muscle depth on carcass yield and value and implications for selection and pricing of rams from terminal-sire sheep breeds. Sheep and Goat Research Journal. 29:36-44.
Use of ultrasonography to identify late-stage maturity in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss - (Abstract Only)
Weber, G.M., Leeds, T.D. 2015. Use of ultrasonography to identify late-stage maturity in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture America Conference. A568.
Genetic improvement of disease resistance in salmonid fish using selective breeding: Overview of concepts, considerations and limitations - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D. 2014. Genetic improvement of disease resistance in salmonid fish using selective breeding: Overview of concepts, considerations and limitations [abstract]. International Aquatic Animal Health Symposium Proceedings. Paper No.202.
From the laboratory to the field: The performance of a selectively bred line of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under commercial production conditions - (Abstract Only)
Lapatra, S.E., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2014. From the laboratory to the field: The performance of a selectively bred line of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) under commercial production conditions [abstract]. International Aquatic Animal Health Symposium Proceedings. Paper No. 302.
Exploring mechanisms of survival in rainbow trout selectively bred for increased resistance to Flavobacterium psychrophilum - (Abstract Only)
Marancik, D.P., Camus, M.S., Camus, A.C., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G., Wiens, G.D. 2014. Exploring mechanisms of survival in rainbow trout selectively bred for increased resistance to Flavobacterium psychrophilum [abstract]. International Aquatic Animal Health Symposium Proceedings. Paper No. 102.
Evaluating innate resistance to Flavobacterium Columnare in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - (Abstract Only)
Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D., Lapatra, S.E. 2014. Evaluating innate resistance to Flavobacterium Columnare in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)[abstract]. International Aquatic Animal Health Symposium Proceedings. Paper No. 9C.
Biochemical reference intervals for Flavobacterium psychrophilum -resistant and -susceptible rainbow trout lines, and pathophysiological changes after experimental infection - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marancik, D.P., Camus, M.S., Camus, A.C., Leeds, T.D., Weber, G.M., Wiens, G.D. 2014. Biochemical reference intervals for Flavobacterium psychrophilum -resistant and -susceptible rainbow trout lines, and pathophysiological changes after experimental infection. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 111(3): 239-248. DOI: 10.3354/dao02777.
Growth performance comparison of intercross-triploid, induced triploid, and diploid rainbow trout Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Weber, G.M., Hostuttler, M.A., Cleveland, B.M., Leeds, T.D. 2014. Growth performance comparison of intercross-triploid, induced triploid, and diploid rainbow trout. Aquaculture. 433:85-93.
Histopathologic changes in disease-resistant-line and sdisease-susceptible-line juvenile rainbow trout experimentally infected with Flavobacterium psychrophilum - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marancik, D.P., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2014. Histopathologic changes in disease-resistant-line and sdisease-susceptible-line juvenile rainbow trout experimentally infected with Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 26:181-189.
Integration of selective breeding and vaccination to improve disease resistance in aquaculture: Application to control bacterial cold water disease - (Proceedings)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D. 2014. Integration of selective breeding and vaccination to improve disease resistance in aquaculture: Application to control bacterial cold water disease. In: Proceedings of One Hundred and Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association, October 17 - October 23, 2013, San Diego, California. p. 448-453.
Accuracy of genomic selection for BCWD resistance in rainbow trout - (Proceedings)
Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Liu, S., Gao, G., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Palti, Y. 2014. Accuracy of genomic selection for BCWD resistance in rainbow trout [abstract]. World Congress of Genetics Applied in Livestock Production. Paper No. 788.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: VIII. Quality measures of lamb longissimus dorsi Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Taylor, J.B., Lewis, G.S. 2014. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: VIII. Quality measures of lamb longissimus dorsi. Journal of Animal Science. 92(7):2861-2868.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: VII. Accuracy of ultrasound predictors and their association with carcass weight, yield and value Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Notter, D.R., Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S., Taylor, J.B. 2014. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: VII. Accuracy of ultrasound predictors and their association with carcass weight, yield and value. Journal of Animal Science. 92(6):2402-2414.
Genetic improvement through selective breeding: Part of an integrated strategy to reduce disease loss and Antibiotic use - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Lapatra, S.E., Marancik, D.P., Leeds, T.D. 2014. Genetic improvement through selective breeding: Part of an integrated strategy to reduce disease loss and Antibiotic use [abstract]. Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop. A98.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: VI.Measurements of live-lamb and carcass shape and their relationship to carcass yield and value Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Notter, D.R., Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S., Taylor, J.B. 2014. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: VI.Measurements of live-lamb and carcass shape and their relationship to carcass yield and value. Journal of Animal Science. 92(5):1980-1994.
Validation of linkage between BCWD resistance and spleen size QTL on Omy19 in rainbow trout: Pleiotropy versus linkage - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Liu, S., Marancik, D.P., Welch, T.J., Leeds, T.D., Evenhuis, J., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2014. Validation of linkage between BCWD resistance and spleen size QTL on Omy19 in rainbow trout: Pleiotropy versus linkage. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. 361.
Growth performance comparison of intercross-triploid, induced-triploid, and diploid female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss - (Abstract Only)
Weber, G.M., Hostuttler, M.A., Cleveland, B.M., Leeds, T.D. 2013. Growth performance comparison of intercross-triploid, induced-triploid, and diploid female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Conference Proceedings. P0326.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams at terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system - ()
Notter, D.R., Lewis, G.S., Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Kirschten, D.P., Taylor, J.B. 2014. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams at terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system. Suffolk Newsletter. 2(8):9-11.
Assessment of genetic correlation between bacterial cold water disease resistance and spleen index in a domesticated population of rainbow trout: Identification of QTL on chromosome Omy19 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wiens, G.D., Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y., Hadidi, S., Liu, S., Evenhuis, J., Welch, T.J., Rexroad Iii, C.E. 2013. Assessment of genetic correlation between bacterial cold water disease resistance and spleen index in a domesticated population of rainbow trout: Identification of QTL on chromosome Omy19. PLoS One. 8(10): e75749: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075749.
Acute mortality, bacterial load and pathology of select lines of adult rainbow trout challenged with Weissella sp. NC36 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marancik, D.P., Welch, T.J., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2013. Acute mortality, bacterial load and pathology of select lines of adult rainbow trout challenged with Weissella sp. NC36. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 25(4): 230-236.
Comparison of disease resistance between diploid, induced-triploid, and intercross-triploid rainbow trout including trout selected for resistance to Flavobacterium psychrophilum - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Weber, G.M., Wiens, G.D., Welch, T.J., Hostuttler, M.A., Leeds, T.D. 2013. Comparison of disease resistance between diploid, induced-triploid, and intercross-triploid rainbow trout including trout selected for resistance to Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Aquaculture. 410-411, 66-71.
Examination of resistance and tolerance in rainbow trout bred for differential susceptibility to bacterial cold water disease - (Abstract Only)
Marancik, D.P., Leeds, T.D., Blazer, V.S., Wiens, G.D. 2013. Examination of resistance and tolerance in rainbow trout bred for differential susceptibility to bacterial cold water disease. Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop. 056.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: IV. Postweaning growth, feed intake, and feed efficiency - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirschten, D.P., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Taylor, J.B., Lewis, G.S. 2013. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: V. Postweaning growth, feed intake, and feed efficiency. Journal of Animal Science. 91(5):2021-2033.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: II. Postweaning growth and ultrasonic measures of composition. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Taylor, J.B., Kirschten, D.P., Lewis, G.S. 2012. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: II. Postweaning growth and ultrasonic measures of composition.. Journal of Animal Science. 90:2941-2952..
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: V. Postfabrication carcass component weights - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S. 2013. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: IV. Postfabrication carcass component weights. Journal of Animal Science. 91(5):2021-2033.
On-farm performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) selectively bred for resistance to bacterial cold water disease: effect of rearing environment on survival phenotype - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wiens, G.D., Lapatra, S.E., Welch, T.J., Evenhuis, J., Rexroad III, C.E., Leeds, T.D. 2013. On-farm performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) selectively bred for resistance to bacterial cold water disease: effect of rearing environment on survival phenotype. Aquaculture. 388-391:128-136.
Mapping QTL for spleen size and BCWD resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Liu, S., Welch, T.J., Leeds, T.D., Evenhuis, J., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2013. Mapping QTL for spleen size and BCWD resistance in rainbow trout. Annual International Plant & Animal Genome Conference. P0508.
The pathophysiology of bacterial cold water disease in selectively-bred rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Marancik, D.P., Leeds, T.D., Wiens, G.D. 2013. The pathophysiology of bacterial cold water disease in selectively-bred rainbow trout. Aquaculture Conference Proceedings. P0154.
Field evaluation of rainbow trout selectively bred for resistance to bacterial cold water disease - (Proceedings)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Lapatra, S.E., Wilson, C., Cavendar, W., Rexroad III, C.E. 2012. Field evaluation of rainbow trout selectively bred for resistance to bacterial cold water disease. Flavobacterium Meeting. CD-ROM.
Mapping of QTL for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Welch, T.J., Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Gao, G., Liu, S., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2013. Mapping of QTL for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout. Aquaculture Conference Proceedings. P0296.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: I. Ewe productivity and crossbred lamb survival and preweaning growth - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leeds, T.D., Notter, D.R., Leymaster, K.A., Mousel, M.R., Lewis, G.S. 2012. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: I. Ewe productivity and crossbred lamb survival and preweaning growth. Journal of Animal Science. DOI:10.2527/jas.2011-4640.
Field evaluation of rainbow trout selectively bred for resistance to bacterial cold water disease - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., La Patra, S.E., Wilson, C., Cavendar, W., Rexroad III, C.E. 2012. Field evaluation of rainbow trout selectively bred for resistance to bacterial cold water disease. Flavobacterium Meeting. 126.
RNA-Seq identifies SNP markers for growth traits in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Salem, M., Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y., Liu, S., Sabbagh, A., Rexroad III, C.E., Yao, J. 2012. RNA-Seq identifies SNP markers for growth traits in rainbow trout. PLoS One. 7(5):e36264.
Genetic parameter estimates for feed intake, body composition, and fillet quality traits in a rainbow trout population selected for improved growth - (Abstract Only)
Leeds, T.D., Kenney, P., Manor, M.L. 2012. Genetic parameter estimates for feed intake, body composition, and fillet quality traits in a rainbow trout population selected for improved growth [abstract]. International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. p. 259.
Fabricated carcass measurements in terminally sired F1 lambs - (Abstract Only)
Mapping of QTL for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Welch, T.J., Leeds, T.D., Evenhuis, J., Gao, G., Liu, S., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2012. Mapping of QTL for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout [abstract]. International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. p. 354.
Fabricated carcass measurements in terminally sired F1 lambs - (Abstract Only)
Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S. 2012. Fabricated Carcass Measurements in Terminally Sired F1 Lambs. Journal of Animal Science Supplement. 90(3):672.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: III. Prefabrication carcass traits and organ - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S. 2012. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: III. Prefabrication carcass traits and organ. Journal of Animal Science. DOI:10.2527/jas.2011-4767.
Effect of genetics and feeding strategies on growth of rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Berg, L., Gatrell, S., Cleveland, B.M., Grimmett, J., Leeds, T.D., Weber, G.M., Klandorf, H., Turk, P., Semmens, K., Blemings, K. 2012. Effect of genetics and feeding strategies on growth of rainbow trout. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Conference. 125.
Mapping of QTL for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Welch, T.J., Leeds, T.D., Evenhuis, J., Liu, S., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2012. Mapping of QTL for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P0662.
Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to bacterial cold water disease and spleen size in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Welch, T.J., Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Liu, S., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2011. Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to bacterial cold water disease and spleen size in rainbow trout. Aquaculture America Conference. 4.
Correlations between measures of feed efficiency and feedlot return for F1 lambs - (Abstract Only)
Feed intake and efficiency of F1 lambs - (Proceedings)
Kirschten, D.P., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Taylor, J.B., Lewis, G.S. 2011. Feed intake and efficiency of F1 lambs. Western Section of Animal Science Proceedings. 62:81-85.
Carcass fat and muscle measurements in terminally sired F1 lambs - (Abstract Only)
Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Notter, D.R., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S. 2011. Carcass fat and muscle measurements in terminally sired F1 lambs. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. 89:584.
Tetraploid production in salmonids - (Abstract Only)
Weber, G.M., Hostuttler, M.A., Wiens, G.D., Beers, B., Leeds, T.D. 2011. Tetraploid production in salmonids. Aquaculture America Conference. 392.
Correlations between measures of feed efficiency and feedlot return for F1 lambs - (Proceedings)
Kirschten, D.P., Notter, D.P., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Taylor, J.B., Lewis, G.S. 2011. Correlations between measures of feed efficiency and feedlot return for F1 lambs. Western Section of Animal Science Proceedings. 62:86-89.
Detection of QTL for spleen size and disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Welch, T.J., Leeds, T.D., Evenhuis, J., Liu, S., Rexroad III, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2011. Detection of QTL for spleen size and disease resistance in rainbow trout. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. p. 643.
Molecular characterization of the Akt-TOR signaling pathway in rainbow trout: potential role in muscle growth/degradation - (Abstract Only)
Qi, N., Salem, M., Kenney, B., Leeds, T.D., Rexroad IIII, C.E., Yao, J. 2011. Molecular characterization of the Akt-TOR signaling pathway in rainbow trout: potential role in muscle growth/degradation. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. W042.
Unlocking genetic secrets of the fast/slow growth in rainbow trout with next-generation sequencing - (Abstract Only)
Salem, M., Leeds, T.D., Rexroad III, C.E., Yao, J. 2011. Unlocking genetic secrets of the fast/slow growth in rainbow trout with next-generation sequencing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. W041.
Preliminary field evaluation of rainbow trout selectively bred for increased resistance to bacterial cold water disease - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Lapatra, S., Wilson, C., Cavendar, W., Evenhuis, J., Welch, T.J., Silverstein, J., Rexroad III, C.E. 2011. Preliminary field evaluation of rainbow trout selectively bred for increased resistance to bacterial cold water disease. Aquaculture America Conference. 308.
Evidence of major genes affecting resistance to bacterial cold water disease in rainbow trout using Bayesian methods of segregation analysis - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vallejo, R.L., Wiens, G.D., Rexroad III, C.E., Welch, T.J., Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Janss, L.L., Palti, Y. 2010. Evidence of major genes affecting resistance to bacterial cold water disease in rainbow trout using Bayesian methods of segregation analysis. Journal of Animal Science. 88:3814-3832.
Validating selective breeding approaches for disease resistance - ()
Leeds, T.D., Rexroad Iii, C.E., Wiens, G.D. 2010. Validating selective breeding approaches for disease resistance. Trout Talk. 2010:6.
Genetic improvement of rainbow trout at the National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture - (Proceedings)
Leeds, T.D. 2010. Genetic improvement of rainbow trout at the National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture. National Poultry Breeders Roundtable. May 6-7, 2010, St. Louis, Missouri. p. 10.
Live and carcass leg characteristics in terminally-sired lambs. - (Abstract Only)
Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Notter, D.R., Zerby, H.N., Moeller, S.J., Lewis, G.S. 2010. Live and carcass leg characteristics in terminally-sired lambs. [abstract]. American Society of Animal Science. 88: 579.
Response to selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leeds, T.D., Silverstein, J., Weber, G.M., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Rexroad III, C.E., Evenhuis, J., Hadidi, S., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D. 0210. Response to selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout. Journal of Animal Science. 88:1936-1946.
Inheritance of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spleen size and correlation with bacterial cold water disease resistance - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Palti, Y., Evenhuis, J., Welch, T.J., Rexroad Iii, C.E. 2010. Inheritance of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spleen size and correlation with bacterial cold water disease resistance. World Aquaculture Society Meeting 2010. Paper No. 87.
Evidence of major genes affecting bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout using Bayesian methods of complex segregation analysis - (Abstract Only)
Vallejo, R.L., Wiens, G.D., Rexroad Iii, C.E., Welch, T.J., Evenhuis, J., Leeds, T.D., Janss, L.L., Palti, Y. 2010. Evidence of major genes affecting bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout using Bayesian methods of complex segregation analysis. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XVIII. Paper No. 103.
Resistance of rainbow trout to Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection: integrating selective breeding and microbial genomics - (Proceedings)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Welch, T.J., Rexroad III, C.E. 2009. Resistance of rainbow trout to Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection: integrating selective breeding and microbial genomics. Flavobacterium Meeting.
Response to selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Leeds, T.D., Silverstein, J., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Rexroad III, C.E., Evenhuis, J., Hadidi, S., Weber, G.M., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D. 2009. Response to selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout. International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture.
Resistance of rainbow trout to Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection: integrating selective breeding and microbial genomics - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Leeds, T.D., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Welch, T.J., Rexroad Iii, C.E. 2009. Resistance of rainbow trout to Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection: integrating selective breeding and microbial genomics. Flavobacterium 2009 Meeting. Paper No. 100.
Variable regions in Flavobacterium psychrophilum strains identified by comparative genomics: application to selective breeding for cold water disease resistance - (Abstract Only)
Wiens, G.D., Lapatra, S.E., Palti, Y., Vallejo, R.L., Leeds, T.D., Welch, T.J., Rexroad III, C.E. 2009. Variable regions in Flavobacterium psychrophilum strains identified by comparative genomics: application to selective breeding for cold water disease resistance. American Fishery Society (Fish Health Section) Proceedings.
Response to selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout - (Abstract Only)
Leeds, T.D., Silverstein, J., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Rexroad III, C.E., Evenhuis, J., Hadidi, S., Weber, G.M., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D. 2009. Response to selection for bacterial cold water disease resistance in rainbow trout. American Fishery Society (Fish Health Section) Proceedings.
Does breed of ram affect ewe and lamb productivity? - ()
Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Leymaster, K.A., Lewis, G.S. 2009.Does breed of ram affect ewe and lamb productivity?. The Shepherd. March Issue. pp. 8-10.
Rainbow trout resistance to bacterial cold-water disease is moderately heritable and is not adversely correlated with growth - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Silverstein, J., Vallejo, R.L., Palti, Y., Welch, T.J., Wiens, G.D., Rexroad Iii, C.E., Ducrocq, V., Leeds, T.D. 2008. Rainbow trout resistance to bacterial cold-water disease is moderately heritable and is not adversely correlated with growth. Journal of Animal Science. 87:860-867.
Body weight changes and subsequent lambing rates of western whiteface ewes grazing winter range - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Taylor, J.B., Moffet, C.A., Leeds, T.D. 2009. Body weight changes and subsequent lambing rates of western whiteface ewes grazing winter range. Livestock Science. 121:339-342.
B-mode, real-time ultrasound for estimating carcass composition in live sheep: Accuracy of ultrasound measures and their relationships with carcass composition - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Zerby, H.N., Moffet, C.A., Lewis, G.S. 2008. B-mode, real-time ultrasound for estimating carcass composition in live sheep: Accuracy of ultrasound measures and their relationships with carcass composition. Journal of Animal Science. 86:3203-3214.
Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires: Effects of ram breed on ewe productivity and F1 lamb survival and growth. - (Proceedings)
Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Leymaster, K.A., Lewis, G.S. 2008. Evaluation of Columbia, USMARC-Composite, Suffolk, and Texel rams as terminal sires: Effects of ram breed on ewe productivity and F1 lamb survival and growth. Western Section of Animal Science Proceedings. 59:65-68.
Evaluation of three-ram cohort serving capacity tests as a substitute for individual serving capacity tests - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stellflug, J.N., Lewis, G.S., Moffet, C.A., Leeds, T.D. 2008. Evaluation of three-ram cohort serving capacity tests as a substitute for individual serving capacity tests. Journal of Animal Science. 86:2024-2031.
Technical Note: Comparison of traditional needle vaccination to pneumatic, needle-free vaccination in sheep - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., White, S.N., Hoesing, L.M. 2008. Technical Note: Comparison of traditional needle vaccination to pneumatic, needle-free vaccination in sheep. Journal of Animal Science. 86:1468-1471.
Sarcomere length dynamics of postmortem ovine Psoas major and Longissimus dorsi muscles. - (Abstract Only)
Zapata, I., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Wick, M.P. 2007. Sarcomere length dynamics of postmortem ovine Psoas major and Longissimus dorsi muscles.. Journal of Animal Science Supplement. 86(1):282.
Relationship between calpastatin activity and lamb carcass characteristics. - (Abstract Only)
Gervin, J.A., Zerby, H.N., Kuber, P.S., Moeller, S.J., Wick, M.P., Notter, D.R., Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R. 2007. Relationship between calpastatin activity and lamb carcass characteristics.. Journal of Animal Science Supplement. 85(1):21.
Ultrasound Estimates of Loin Muscle Measures and Backfat Thickness Augment Live Animal Prediction of Weights of Subprimal Cuts in Sheep. - (Proceedings)
Leeds, T.D., Mousel, M.R., Notter, D.R., Lewis, G.S. 2007. Ultrasound Estimates of Loin Muscle Measures and Backfat Thickness Augment Live Animal Prediction of Weights of Subprimal Cuts in Sheep. Western Section of Animal Science Proceedings. 58:97-100.
Prediction of lamb carcass leg and loin weights using leg score and width measures. - (Proceedings)
Leeds, T.D., Lewis, G.S. 2006. Breed Comparisons and Trends for Ewe Productivity and Lamb Growth Traits in Sheep Managed as Contemporaries in a Western Range System. Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science. 57:86-89.