Location: Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research
Project Number: 8044-22000-047-014-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2023
End Date: Apr 30, 2024
The objectives of this project are to release, evaluate the efficacy, and optimize Ramularia crupinae applications on diverse Crupina vulgaris field populations located in the Nez Perce Reservation, and evaluate potential demographic impacts of R. crupinae on C. vulgaris populations.
Research will include:
1) establishing Ramularia crupinae infections in common crupina field populations at trial sites located in the Nez Perce Reservation;
2) optimizing protocols for Ramularia crupinae field inoculations; and
3) assessing the establishment and impact of Ramularia crupinae infections.