Location: Range Management Research
Project Number: 3050-12610-001-011-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Jun 30, 2021
End Date: Feb 28, 2024
Across the Southwest Hub region, the Cooperative Extension Service has expressed a need for more support in climate change and sustainability education – both for themselves and for their audiences. Here in New Mexico, Extension has an engaged youth audience but have little financial or technical support for climate- and sustainability-focused youth activities. The goal of the work to be performed by the cooperator under this agreement is to establish a baseline of Extension needs with respect to climate change and sustainability training and education with youth, and to provide support for piloting climate change and sustainability programs with this audience.
For this agreement, the cooperator will:
1. Document Extension agent needs with respect to climate change and sustainability training and education with youth.
2. Produce age-appropriate climate change and sustainability education programming for 4-H and other youth audiences (including animations, videos, activities, etc.).
3. Review and curate existing climate change and sustainability resource “libraries” for Cooperative Extension.