Location: Range Management Research
Project Number: 3050-12610-001-039-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 22, 2019
End Date: Jul 31, 2024
The project team will work with LTAR sites, resource managers (NRCS, BIA, BLM and others), and University partners in the Southwest to estimate how future weather and climate conditions will impact relationships between forage production and precipitation, investigate current decision-making challenges, and describe the evolution and expansion of Grass-Cast to the Southwest.
Analysis will include investigation of both spatial and temporal variability in precipitation and forage production across the sites. Once estimated, these relationships will be coupled with weather and climate information to describe potential future impacts on forage production in northeastern AZ (Navajo Nation), southern AZ, and NM. This effort builds upon ongoing research and outreach efforts designed to better understand and support southwestern ranching operations using various data sources.