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Research Project: Breaking Critical Pest-related Trade Barriers for California Citrus Exports

Location: Commodity Protection and Quality Research

Project Number: 2034-43000-040-076-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jan 1, 2019
End Date: Dec 31, 2019

Develop novel postharvest treatments to control key pests in trade and marketing channels of fresh California citrus exports.

Conduct research outlined in USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service grant #2018-02, Year 5: Complete postharvest treatment studies on Fullers rose beetle eggs and California red scale life stages to achieve phytosanitary requirements of the target market. Utilize a cooperative effort between USDA-ARS, USDA-APHIS, California industry, and foreign counterparts to address pest-related barriers to export. Particular attention will be paid to the expansion and retention of export markets. Pests will be targeted with novel postharvest techniques including, but not limited to: fumigation, heat/cold treatments, and system-based approaches. Whenever possible, techniques will be tailored to infrastructural and logistical requirements with priority given to those that minimize interruption to conventional methods of production, storage, and distribution.