Location: Range Sheep Production Efficiency Research
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Model definition for genetic evaluation of purebred and crossbred lambs including heterosis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vargas Jurado, N., Notter, D.R., Taylor, J.B., Brown, D.J., Mousel, M.R., Lewis, R.M. 2022. Model definition for genetic evaluation of purebred and crossbred lambs including heterosis. Journal of Animal Science. 100:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac188.
Protein supplementation and grazing behavior for cows on differing late-season rangeland grazing systems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sprinkle, J., Sagers, J., Hall, J., Ellison, M., Yelich, J., Brennan, J., Taylor, J.B., Lamb, J. 2021. Protein supplementation and grazing behavior for cows on differing late-season rangeland grazing systems. Animals. 11(11). Article 3219. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11113219.
Variation in type two taste receptor genes is associated with bitter tasting phenylthiocarbamide consumption in mature Targhee and Rambouillet rams
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Davenport, K.M., Taylor, J.B., Henslee, D., Southerland, C., Yelich, J., Ellison, M.J., Murdoch, B.M. 2021. Variation in type two taste receptor genes is associated with bitter tasting phenylthiocarbamide consumption in mature Targhee and Rambouillet rams. Translational Animal Science. 5(3):1-8. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab142.
A typology of drought decision making: Synthesizing across cases to understand drought preparedness and response actions
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cravens, A.E., Henderson, J., Friedman, J., Burkardt, N., Cooper, A.E., Haigh, T., Hayes, M., Mcevoy, J., Paladino, S., Wilke, A.K., Wilmer, H.N. 2021. A typology of drought decision making: Synthesizing across cases to understand drought preparedness and response actions. Weather and Climate Extremes. Volume 33, page 100362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2021.100362.
Identification of fetal microchimerism after pregnancy in older ewes using qPCR
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brown, A., Niland, E.S., Pierce, N.L., Taylor, J.B. 2021. Validation of fetal microchimerism after pregnancy in the ovine using qPCR. Translational Animal Science. 5(2). https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab100.
Invited Review: Sheep mineral nutrition considerations for extensive production systems
- (Review Article)
Stewart, W.C., Scasta, J.D., Taylor, J.B., Murphy Jr, T.W., Julian, A.A. 2021. Invited Review: Sheep mineral nutrition considerations for extensive production systems. Applied Animal Science. 37(3):256-272. https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02143.
Predicting cattle grazing behavior on rangeland using accelerometers
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sprinkle, J., Sagers, J., Hall, J., Ellison, M., Yelich, J., Brennan, J., Taylor, J.B., Lamb, J. 2021. Predicting cattle grazing behavior on rangeland using accelerometers. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 76:157-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2020.10.001.
Comparative genomics of the sheep Tas2r repertoire to cattle, goat, human, dog, and mice
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Henslee, D., Murdock, B., Yelich, J., Ellison, M., Taylor, J.B. 2020. Comparative genomics of the sheep Tas2r repertoire to cattle, goat, human, dog, and mice. Animal Gene. 17-18. Article 200107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.angen.2020.200107.
PSXI-7 Comparison of range-based and irrigated cow-calf systems – grazing season performance
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Hall, J., Sprinkle, J., Ellison, M., Goddard, S., Taylor, J.B., Glaze, B. 2020. PSXI-7 Comparison of range-based and irrigated cow-calf systems – grazing season performance. Translational Animal Science. 98(Suppl. 4):385-386. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.678.
Grazing behavior and production characteristics among cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing late season Idaho rangeland
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sprinkle, J.E., Taylor, J.B., Clark, P., Hall, J.B., Strong, N.K., Roberts-Lew, M. 2019. Grazing behavior and production characteristics among cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing late season Idaho rangeland. Journal of Animal Science. 98(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz371.
Avoidance of Phenylthiocarbamide in mature Targhee and Rambouillet rams
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Henslee, D., Yelich, J., Taylor, J.B., Ellison, M. 2019. Avoidance of Phenylthiocarbamide in mature Targhee and Rambouillet rams. Translational Animal Science. 3(4):1194-1204. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz125.
Effects of zinc source and dietary concentration on serum zinc concentrations, growth performance, wool traits, and reproductive characteristics in developing rams
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Page, C.M., Van Emon, M.L., Murphy, T.W., Larson, C.K., Berardinelli, J.G., McGregor, I.R., Taylor, J.B., Stewart, W.C. 2019. Effects of zinc source and dietary concentration on serum zinc concentrations, growth performance, wool traits, and reproductive characteristics in developing rams. Animal. 14(3):520-528. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119002180.
Grazing behavior and production for cattle on differing late-season rangeland grazing systems with or without protein supplementation
- (Proceedings)
Sprinkle, J.E., Sagers, J.K., Hall, J.B., Ellison, M.J., Yelich, J.V., Brennan, J.R., Taylor, J.B., Lamb, J.B. 2019. Grazing behavior and production for cattle on differing late-season rangeland grazing systems with or without protein supplementation. Translational Animal Science. 3(suppl. 1):1792-1796. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz100.
Comparison of new composite breeds with the Suffolk breed as terminal sires in an extensive production system: Carcass characteristics
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Mckibben, H.N., Notter, D.R., Stewart, W.C., Means, W.J., Pierce, N.L., Taylor, J.B. 2019. Comparison of new composite breeds with the Suffolk breed as terminal sires in an extensive production system: Carcass characteristics. Translational Animal Science. 3(suppl. 1):1701-1704. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz061.
Subclinical mastitis in sheep: etiology and association with milk somatic cell count and ewe productivity in three research flocks in the Western U.S.
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Knuth, R., Stewart, W., Taylor, J.B., Yeoman, C., Bisha, B., Page, C., Rowlye, C., Lindsey, B., Van Emon, M., Murphy Jr, T.W. 2019. Subclinical mastitis in sheep: etiology and association with milk somatic cell count and ewe productivity in three research flocks in the Western U.S. Translational Animal Science. 3(1):1749-1753. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz078.
Aversion to phenylthiocarbamide in mature Targhee and Rambouillet rams
- (Proceedings)
Henslee, D., Yelich, J., Ellison, M., Taylor, J.B. 2019. Aversion to phenylthiocarbamide in mature Targhee and Rambouillet rams. Translational Animal Science. 3(1):1749-1753. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz080.
Evaluation of Rambouillet, Polypay, and Romanov–White Dorper x Rambouillet ewes mated to terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: Body weight and wool characteristics
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Murphy Jr, T.W., Stewart, W.C., Notter, D.R., Mousel, M.R., Lewis, G.S., Taylor, J.B. 2019. Evaluation of Rambouillet, Polypay, and Romanov–White Dorper x Rambouillet ewes mated to terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system: Body weight and wool characteristics. Journal of Animal Science. 97(4):1568-1577. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz070.
Prelude to the Tremendous Targhee: The history behind the history
- (Popular Publication)
Taylor, J.B. 2018. Prelude to the Tremendous Targhee: The history behind the history. Targhee Talk. Oct_2018:9-11. Available: http://www.ustargheesheep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/targheetalk55_oct2018.pdf
Webinar: Getting the most out of your vaccination program
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Taylor, J.B. 2018. Webinar: Getting the most out of your vaccination program. Available: http://www.optimalag.net/sheepagriculture/2018/09/.
Effects of rearing triplet lambs on ewe productivity, lamb survival and performance, and future ewe performance
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Notter, D.R., Mousel, M.R., Leeds, T.D., Lewis, G.L., Taylor, J.B. 2018. Effects of rearing triplet lambs on ewe productivity, lamb survival and performance, and future ewe performance. Journal of Animal Science. 96(12):4944-4958. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky364.
Effects of late gestation shearing on body weight, feed intake, and plasma metabolite concentrations in Rambouillet ewes managed outdoors during winter
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Murphy, T.W., Stewart, W.C., Smith, C.G., Taylor, J.B. 2018. Effects of late gestation shearing on body weight, feed intake, and plasma metabolite concentrations in Rambouillet ewes managed outdoors during winter. Animal. 13(3):600-605. https://doi.org/10.1017/S175173111800191X.
Comparison of the USSES terminal-sire and Siremax composite breeds with the Suffolk breed as terminal sires in an extensive production system: Prefabrication carcass traits
- (Proceedings)
Mckibben, H.N., Notter, D.R., Stewart, W.C., Means, W.J., Pierce, N.L., Taylor, J.B. 2018. Comparison of the USSES terminal-sire and Siremax composite breeds with the Suffolk breed as terminal sires in an extensive production system: Prefabrication carcass traits. Translational Animal Science. 2(suppl.1):S155-S158. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txy042.
Factors affecting ewe somatic cell count and its relationship with lamb weaning weight in extensively managed flocks
- (Proceedings)
Murphy, T.W., Stewart, W.C., Taylor, J.B. 2018. Factors affecting ewe somatic cell count and its relationship with lamb weaning weight in extensively managed flocks. Translational Animal Science. 2(suppl. 1):S159-S162. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txy031.
Genetic Parameters for Lamb Mortality Associated with Pneumonia
- (Abstract Only)
Holland, P.W., Hulsman-Hanna, L.L., Vonnahme, K.A., Reynolds, L.P., Taylor, J.B., Riley, D.G. 2018. Genetic Parameters for Lamb Mortality Associated with Pneumonia. American Society of Animal Science Southern Section Meeting. 96 Suppl S1:1.
Responses of pregnant ewes and young lambs to ovalbumin immunization, antiovalbumin antibody transfer to lambs, and temporal changes in antiovalbumin antibody
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lewis, G.S., Wang, S., Taylor, J.B. 2017. Responses of pregnant ewes and young lambs to ovalbumin immunization, antiovalbumin antibody transfer to lambs, and temporal changes in antiovalbumin antibody. Journal of Animal Science. 1:585-591.