Georgia R Harrison
Range Management Research
Research Ecologist
Phone: (575) 646-2961
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Cliffs support lichen communities unique from nearby forests: Cliff lichens
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Boggess, L.M., Harrison, G.R., Lendemer, J.C. 2024. Cliffs support lichen communities unique from nearby forests: Cliff lichens. Basic and Applied Ecology. 81:112-120.
Cheatgrass alters flammability of native perennial grasses in laboratory combustion experiments
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Harrison, G.R., Jones, L.C., Ellsworth, L.M., Strand, E.K., Prather, T.S. 2024. Cheatgrass alters flammability of native perennial grasses in laboratory combustion experiments. Fire Ecology. 20(103):1-14.
A call to action for inventory and monitoring of cliff ecosystems to support conservation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Harrison, G.R., Boggess, L.M., McCord, S.E., March-Salas, M. 2024. A call to action for inventory and monitoring of cliff ecosystems to support conservation. Basic and Applied Ecology. 80:31-39.
Cliff nesting birds provide nutrient inputs to cliff ecosystems
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Langevin, A.E., Boggess, L.M., Harrison, G.R., Madritch, M.D. 2024. Cliff nesting birds provide nutrient inputs to cliff ecosystems. Basic and Applied Ecology. 79:74-83.
Ecology on the rocks: Cliff ecology research from the Southern Appalachian Cliff Coalition
- (Abstract Only)
Boggess, L.M., Harrison, G.R. 2024. Ecology on the rocks: Cliff ecology research from the Southern Appalachian Cliff Coalition. International Botanical Congress. Abstract.
Comparing field to remotely-sensed estimates of annual grass cover in Indaziflam treated areas
- (Abstract Only)
Barber, C., Harrison, G.R., Strand, E.K. 2024. Comparing field to remotely-sensed estimates of annual grass cover in Indaziflam treated areas. Society of Range Management. Abstract.