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Albany, California
(510) 559-5600
Albany, CA 94710

The Western Regional Research Center conducts mission-oriented research to enhance the healthfulness of foods; to develop new food and industrial products from renewable resources; and to protect and enhance the quality of the environment. The results of these research efforts are implemented through the effective transfer of new and innovative technologies to appropriate clients and users. GOALS: A. To enhance healthfulness of foods by creating crop plants and food products that promote health, and by developing systems and methods that ensure the safety of the food supply. B. To develop new food and industrial products using biotechnology to develop improved, tailored agricultural crops and bioengineering to create new products from agricultural crops and processing coproducts. C. To protect and enhance the quality of the environment by developing ecologically sound methods for pest control and environmentally sound systems for efficient food and industrial processes. D. To ensure the effective transfer of new and innovative technologies by integrating technology transfer into program and project design and developing partnerships with private and public sector clients.

  Pacific West Area
    Albany, California
Location Support Staff
Western Regional Research Center
Plant Gene Expression Center
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)