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Welcome to the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center. The CPCRC conducts research on soil and water conservation issues in the Columbia Plateau and related land resource areas.
USDA-ARS and OSU employees of the Pendleton Agricultural Research Center gather for a staff photo prior to Field Day, June 2019.
As field season and harvest begin at CPCRC, keep current on all the recent events happening here at USDA-ARS Pendleton, Oregon. Visit our Recent Local Events page.
Hero Gollany monitors soil organic carbon in the long-term no-till wheat-fallow, wheat-pea, and conventional tillage experiments. Wayne Polumsky and Janaina DeMoura Oliveria are taking soil water measurement.
The USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Oregon State University at Pendleton OR, conduct research on dryland crop production and soil and water conservation. Together, our team is developing sustainable farming practices that halt erosion, protect air quality, conserve soil water, reduce farm inputs and enhance soil quality and soil health.
Dress Up Parade Sep 2023. CPCRC showing off a new one-off custom plot drill that was designed by Employees at the station, and built by Wintersteiger
Late summer of 2021 we had a close call when a neighbor's field caught fire and the winds were blowing our direction.
Feb 2024, Office Team Building Lunch
First Field Day Post-Covid Spring of 2022
1970 First Aerial Photo of the ARS Station in Pendleton
Summer of 2023, Dave Robertson Gathering Core Samples Using a Giddings Probe
The mission of the Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center is to conduct innovative research to provide the public with sound scientific knowledge, recommendations, and tools supporting profitable dryland crop production that is resilient to climate variability and promotes soil health and environmental quality in the low to intermediate precipitation zones of inland Pacific Northwest and related agricultural land resource areas.
Adams, Curtis
Burgess, Christopher
Camara, Cheyenne
Carter, Bret
Chambers, Rachel
Cosner, Juniper
Durfee, Nicole
Fernandez-Alos, Victor
Galvin, Amanda
Goldthwaite, Neena
Gollany, Hero
Olson, Tracy
Polumsky, Robert
- Wayne
Reardon, Catherine
- Kate
Robertson, David
- Dave
Wuest, Stewart