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Invited Guest Seminars
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  1. Molecular Mechanisms of Nickel Tolerance in Heavy Metal Hyperaccumulator Plants. Marrone Bio Innovations, Davis CA. November 2011
  2. Organoseleno and Organosulfur Enriched Anticarcinogenic Food Crops. Department of Food Sciences and Technology, Monthly Seminar Series, University of California Davis,Davis CA. June 2011
  3. The Phytoremediation and Phytomining of Environmental Pollutants in Soil and Water. Brown Bag Seminar Series. Wright Water Engineers Inc. and Waste Engineering Inc., Denver CO. May 2011
  4. The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Selenium in Hyperaccumulator and Crop Plants, Plant Sciences Department Seminar Series, University of California Davis,Davis CA. February 2011
  5. The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Selenium in Aquatic Ecosystems, Hyperaccumulator and Crop Plants, Herbivore Insects and Animals. Biology Colloquium Seminar Series, California State University Fresno, Fresno CA. 2010
  6. Selenium Phytoremediation in Agriculture, Bio-fuel and Bio-fortified Nutra-ceutical Food, USDA-ARS San Joaquin Valley Agriculture Research Center Seminar Series, Parlier CA. 2009, 2010
  7. Selenium Phytoremediation in Agriculture, Bio-fuel and Bio-fortified Nutra-ceutical Food Crops, University of Missouri Columbia, Plant Sciences Division Monthly Seminar Series, Columbia MO. 2009
  8. Selenium Phytoremediation in Agriculture, Bio-fuel and Bio-fortified Nutra-ceutical Food, California State University Fresno International Center of Irrigation Technology, Seminar Series, Fresno CA.2009
  9. Phyto-detection of pollution using plants, Colorado Bio-Science Association, Annual Meeting, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO. 2008 (Key Note)
  10. The unique metabolism of selenium and nickel hyperaccumulating plants. VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Plant Physiology and Weed Science Departmental Seminar Series, Blacksburg VA. 2008
  11. Spatial imaging, speciation and quantification of selenium in hyperaccumulator plants: implications for the phytoremediation of selenium. Fourth International Conference on Phytotechnology, Denver CO.2007
  12. The ecology and evolution of selenium hyperaccumulation- Implications for defense and tri-trophic reverberations.American Society of Plant Biologists and Canadian Botanical Society, International Joint Congress and Annual Meeting, Phytoremediation and Heavy Metals. Chicago IL. 2007
  13. Spatial imaging, speciation and quantification of selenium in the hyperaccumulator plants Astragalus bisulcatus and Stanleya pinnata.Colorado State University, Horticulture Department Seminar Series, Fort Collins CO. 2006
  14. Selenium accumulation, tolerance and plant defense in hyperaccumulators. Colorado State University, Plant Super Group Seminar Series, Plant Molecular Biology Program, Fort Collins CO. 2006
  15. Phytoremediation and rhizofiltration of selenium using plants. Rocky Mountain National Water Quality Analysts Association, Annual Meeting. Estes Park CO. 2006 (Key Note)
  16. Increased glutathione plays a role in Ni tolerance in Thlaspi nickel hyperaccumulator plants. Colorado State University, Plant Super Group Seminar Series, Plant Molecular Biology Program, Fort Collins CO. 2005
  17. The role of serine acetyltransferase in providing heavy metal tolerance to the Ni hyperaccumulator Thlaspigoesingese.Purdue University Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department Annual Research Retreat, Center for Plant Environmental Stress Physiology, West Lafayette IN. 2002