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Bibliography of Bemisia tabaci/argentifolii
Steven E. Naranjo, George Butler, Jr. & Thomas J. Henneberry
Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS
21881 N. Cardon Ln.
Maricopa, AZ 85239
Bemisia is a key pest of a number of agricultural systems throughout the world. Several sources indicate crop value loss for the United States exceeding $500 million annually since 1991. In 1992 we began to catalog the world literature on Bemisia as an aid to researchers, educators, extension personnel, agricultural producers, industry, and governmental administrators. In 1995 we published a bibliography of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring (Butler et al. 1995) and offered it for wide distribution in both hardcopy and electronic formats. Thirteen addenda have subsequently been produced to update this original bibliography. (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009). The bibliography (current through 2002) was published as part of the proceedings of the 5th and final Annual Progress Review of the Silverleaf Whitefly Research and Technology Transfer Plan (Naranjo et al. 2002).
To simplify the distribution of electronic copies, we maintain the April 2009 addendum and the total bibliography (all citations through April 2009). This permits those with the complete database from last year to update through early 2009 and those without any of the versions to obtain the entire bibliography. We offer several options for obtaining electronic copies. The database is available below in ProCite format (V. 4.03 for Windows 95/98/2000/XP), word processor format (Word 2003), and ASCII text format. We can also provide a runtime version of the ProCite software (V. 4.03 for Windows 95/98/2000/XP). This runtime software will enable you to search and print the database. Due to licensing restrictions we cannot offer this software over the internet. If you are interested in this runtime software and the database please contact (
Butler, G. D, Jr., S. E. Naranjo, T. J. Henneberry & J. K. Brown. 1995. Bibliography of Bemisia tabaci and Bemisia argentifolii. P. 179-257. In Silverleaf whitefly: 1995 supplement to the 5-year national research and action plan, USDA-ARS 1995-2.
Naranjo, S. E., G. D. Butler, Jr. & T. J. Henneberry. 2002. Complete bibliography of Bemisia tabaci and Bemisia argentifolii. P. 227-415. In Silverleaf whitefly: National research, action and technology transfer plan, 1997-2001; Fourth annual review of the second 5-year plan and final report for 1992-2002. USDA-ARS June 2002
Download the bibliography (ZIP files):
- ( ProCite Ver. 4.03 for Windows; all citations through April 2009)
- (Word 2000; all citations through April 2009)
- (ASCII Text; all citations through April 2009)
- (ProCite Ver. 4.03 for Win 95/98/XP; November 2007-April 2009)
- (Word 2000; November 2007-April 2009)
- (ASCII Text; November 2007-April 2009)
Questions regarding this material can be directed to: Dr. Steve Naranjo