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to the
Soil and Water
Management Unit
Growing corn in kura clover living mulch systems
This research is focused on the interactions between timing and crop row establishment method on corn productivity and water quality.
This work is part of the LTAR Network Croplands Common Experiment.
Protecting the environment
Rainfall simulation studies for evaluation of turfgrass management practices that reduce off-site transport of plant protection products with storm runoff
Nitrous oxide (N2O) production in soil
Developing improved practices for reducing agricultural N2O emissions requires better understanding of the multiple biochemical processes responsible for its production in soil
Biochar research
Examining the mechanisms behind biochar effects on crop yield, agrochemical sorption, and microbial impacts
Birdseye view: Using remote sensing to track Nitrogen deficiency
Analyzing efficacy of pre-harvest seeding of cover crop
Loading rye into a helicopter for aerial seeding into standing corn
Instrumental development
Tractor-mounted line quantum sensors with shadowbands for mapping leaf area index
The mission of the Soil and Water Management Research Unit is to develop and test agricultural management practices that improve water and soil quality while maintaining or enhancing productivity of cropping systems.
Breiter, William
Dalzell, Brent
Dusaire, Martin
Feyereisen, Gary
Goodman, Forrest
Mitchell, Scott
Porter, Sarah
Rice, Pamela
Schumacher, Todd
Spokas, Kurt
Venterea, Rodney
- Rod