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Integrated Management-Animal/Human Pests
item Evaluation of the efficacy of Steinernema riobrave against Rhipicephalus microplus larvae at semi-field conditions (Nov 2024)
item Antennal transcriptome analysis reveals sensory receptors potentially associated with host detection in the livestock pest Lucilia cuprina (Jul 2024)
item Genome resequencing reveals population divergence and local adaptation of blacklegged ticks in the United States (Jul 2024)
item Semiochemicals and natural repellents in biting fly management (Jun 2024)
item Effects of three desiccant dusts and two dusts augmented with botanicals on house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults (Jun 2024)
item Nilgai antelope display no signs of infection upon experimental challenge with a virulent Babesia bovis strain (Jun 2024)
item Developmental stage and level of submersion in water impact the viability of lone star and winter tick eggs during flooding (May 2024)
item Aggressive interactions among white-tailed deer (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) at 4-poster devices for host-targeted tick control (May 2024)
item Nilgai, Boselaphus tragocamelus and white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus use of water troughs with and without remotely operated field sprayers for potential treatment of cattle fever ticks (Mar 2024)
item Doxycycline is a viable alternative to tetracycline for use in insect Tet-Off transgenic sexing systems, as assessed in the blowflies Cochliomyia hominivorax(Dipteria:Calliphoridae) and Lucilia Cuprina(Diptera:Calliphoridae) (Feb 2024)
item In vitro evaluation of essential oils and saturated fatty acids for repellency against the old-world sandfly, Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) (Diptera: Psychodidae) (Feb 2024)
item Similar microbiome compositions of nymphal black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) infected and uninfected with Borrelia burgdorferi in Delaware (Jan 2024)
item Crop DNA extraction with lab-made magnetic nanoparticles (Jan 2024)
item Degree-days and off host longevity of cattle fever ticks, Boophilus spp. (Acari: Ixodidae) in south Texas pastures (Dec 2023)
item Ixodes scapularis Is the most susceptible of the three canonical human-biting tick species of North America to repellent and acaricidal effects of the natural sesquiterpene, (+)-nootkatone (Dec 2023)
item Mechanical devices for census and detection of off-host larval ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) with emphasis on the cattle fever tick (Dec 2023)
item An alternative chicken-based diet for mass-rearing screwworm flies, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) (Nov 2023)
item Feeding and reproductive parameters of adult female blacklegged ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and lone star ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitizing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann) (Oct 2023)
item Zoonotic implications of white-footed mice habitat selection and territoriality in fragmented landscapes (Aug 2023)
item Interactions of gulf cordgrass, Spartina spartinae (Trin.) Merr. ex Hitchc., habitat with ixodids on the South Texas coastal plain (Aug 2023)
item Lactate dehydrogenase inhibitors suppress Borrelia burgdorferi growth in vitro (Jul 2023)
item Biology of invasive plants 4. Arundo donax L (Jul 2023)
item Predicting the realised host-range of Leptinotarsa texana with open-field experiments (Jul 2023)
item Artificial infestation of white-tailed deer with ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) to study tick-host interactions (May 2023)
item Preventative methods to reduce the spread of cattle fever ticks on wildlife and protect local endangered species in South Texas (May 2023)
item Coconut fatty acids exhibit strong repellency and week-long efficacy against several urban pest arthropods of the southwestern United States (May 2023)
item Identification, baculoviral expression and biochemical characterization of a novel cholinesterase of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) (Apr 2023)
item A new formulation of screwworm attractant with reduced hazardous chemicals and transport restrictions (Apr 2023)
item Evaluation of the in vitro acaricidal effect of five organic compounds on the cattle fever tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) (Apr 2023)
item Genomic analysis of two phlebotomine sand fly vectors of Leishmania from the New and Old World (Apr 2023)
item A push-pull strategy to suppress stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) attacks on pasture cattle using a coconut oil fatty acid repellent and attractant lures (Mar 2023)
item Movement ecology of exotic nilgai antelope: A threat to the re-emergence of cattle fever ticks in the southern USA (Feb 2023)
item Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi and diversity of its outer surface protein C (ospC) alleles in black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) in Delaware (Feb 2023)
item Desiccant dusts, with and without bioactive botanicals, lethal to Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus Canestrini (Ixodida: Ixodidae) in the laboratory and on cattle (Feb 2023)
item Development of a diagnostic SNP panel for identifying geographic origins of Cochliomyia hominivorax, the New World screwworm (Jan 2023)
item Effect of helicopter net gunning on the survival and movement behaviour of nilgai antelope (Jan 2023)
item Effects of de-rubberized guayule, Parthenium argentatum Gray (Asteraceae), resin on adult boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleopotera: Curculiondiae) in the laboratory (Jan 2023)
item Efficacy evaluation of medium-chain fatty acids as skin and spatial repellents against Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae) mosquitoes (Dec 2022)
item Insights into the genetic landscape and presence of Cochliomyia hominivorax in the Caribbean (Dec 2022)
item Effects of compost on onion quality, yield, and thrips infestation (Dec 2022)
item Where have all the grouse ticks gone? Apparent decline in collections of Haemaphysalis chordeilis Packard during the 20th century (Nov 2022)
item Characterizing the repellencies of methyl benzoate and its analogs against the common bed bug Cimex lectularius (Nov 2022)
item Amplification and sequencing of entire tick mitochondrial genomes for a phylogenomic analysis (Nov 2022)
item Tissue-damaging marking methods do not affect tick burdens on field captured Peromyscus spp (Nov 2022)
item Spatial repellents transfluthrin and metofluthrin affect the behavior of Dermacentor variabilis, Amblyomma americanum, and Ixodes scapularis in an in vitro vertical climb assay (Nov 2022)
item Limited detection of shared zoonotic pathogens in deer keds and blacklegged ticks co-parasitizing white-tailed deer in the eastern United States (Oct 2022)
item The role of tire leachate in condition-specific competition and the persistence of a resident mosquito from a competitively superior invader (Oct 2022)
item Interaction between anti-tick vaccine and a macrocyclic lactone improves acaricidal efficacy against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) (Acari: Ixodidae) in experimentally infested cattle (Oct 2022)
item Fence line ecology: animal use of fence crossings in Southwestern rangelands (Oct 2022)
item Very small collars: an evaluation of telemetry location estimators for small mammals (Sep 2022)
item Patterns of white-tailed deer movements in suburban Maryland: implications for zoonotic disease mitigation (Sep 2022)
item QTL determining the time of blood feeding in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) (Aug 2022)
item Pyrokinin receptor silencing in females of the southern cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is associated with a reproductive fitness cost (Jul 2022)
item Classical Biological Control of Silverleaf Whitefly in the United States (Jun 2022)
item Evaluation of the repellency of Stop the Bites® botanical acaricide to white-tailed deer at corn feeders (Jun 2022)
item Latrine ecology of nilgai antelope (Jun 2022)
item Development of a taqman real-time PCR for the identification of haemaphysalis longicornis (Acari: ixodidae) (May 2022)
item The Gulf Coast tick, Amblyomma maculatum (Ixodida: Ixodidae) and spotted fever group Rickettsia in the highly urbanized northeastern US (May 2022)
item Implementation research for integrated tick control of Rhipicephalus australis (Acari: Ixodidae) through the pasture and cattle management method in New Caledonia (Apr 2022)
item White-tailed deer spatial distribution in relation to ‘4-Poster’ tick control devices in suburbia (Apr 2022)
item Raman-based identification of tick species (Ixodidae) by spectroscopic analysis of their feces (Apr 2022)
item Recently evolved Francisella-like endosymbiont outcompetes an ancient and evolutionarily associated Coxiella-like endosymbiont in the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) linked to the Alpha-gal syndrome (Apr 2022)
item Repellency and insecticidal activity of seven mugwort (Artemisia argyi)essential oils against the malaria vector Anopheles sinensis (Mar 2022)
item Repellency and insecticidal activity of seven Mugwort (Artemisia argyi) essential oils against the malaria vector Anopheles sinensis (Mar 2022)
item Geographic population genetic structure of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae), using SNPs (Mar 2022)
item Integrative alternative tactics for ixodid control (Mar 2022)
item Review of American trypanosomiasis in southern Mexico highlights opportunity for surveillance research to advance control through the One Health approach (Mar 2022)
item Medicated Corn Feeders to Disinfest Cattle Fever Ticks (Boophilus: Ixodidae: Acari) in a Suburban Population of White-Tailed Deer. (Mar 2022)
item Medicated corn feeders to disinfest cattle fever ticks (Boophilus: Ixodidae: Acari) in a suburban population of white-tailed deer (Mar 2022)
item Phylogenetic relationship and habitat both impact the gut microbiome in two microendemic gastropods (Mar 2022)
item Bovine fecal chemistry changes with progression of Southern Cattle Tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) infestation (Feb 2022)
item Vaccination of cattle with synthetic peptides corresponding to predicted extracellular domains of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus Aquaporin-2 reduces the number of ticks feeding to repletion (Feb 2022)
item Automated tool to detect, classify, and count animals in camera trap images using artificial intelligence (Feb 2022)
item Behavior of nymphs and adults of the black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis and the lone star tick Ambylomma americanum in response to thermal stimuli (Jan 2022)
item Geotropic, hydrokinetic and random walking differ between sympatric tick species: the deer tick Ixodes scapularis and the lone star tick Ambylomma americanum (Jan 2022)
item Patterns of deer ked (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) and tick (Ixodida: Ixodidae) infestation on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the eastern United States (Jan 2022)
item Insect Tape Trap (Jan 2022)
item Insights into the microbial ecology of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, from wild collections and under mass-rearing for sterile insect releases. (Jan 2022)
item Desert locust episode in Pakistan 2018-2021 and the current status of integrated desert locust management (Jan 2022)
item An inexpensive In Vitro blood-feeding system for wild Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) (Jan 2022)
item Fly odorant-binding protein with high-histidine N-terminal extension binds to transition metals (Dec 2021)
item Integrated tick management in Guilford, CT: Fipronil-based rodent-targeted bait box deployment configuration and Peromyscus leucopus (Rodentia: cricetidae) abundance drive reduction in tick burdens (Dec 2021)
item Chemosensory-related gene family members of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans irritans, identified by transcriptome analysis (Nov 2021)
item Molecular screening for rickettsial bacteria and piroplasms in ixodid ticks collected from white-tailed deer and nilgai in south Texas (Nov 2021)
item Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans [Diptera: Muscidae]) – biology, management, and research needs. (Oct 2021)
item Repellent and acaricidal activity of coconut oil fatty acids and their derivative compounds against Amblyomma sculptum (Oct 2021)
item Climate change and alternative hosts complicate the eradication of cattle fever ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) in the southern United States, a review (Oct 2021)
item Pheromone antagonism in Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) by sex pheromones of two sympatric noctuid moths (Sep 2021)
item Serosurveillance and risk factors for Neospora caninum infection in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) from central and southern Mexico (Sep 2021)
item Identification of anti-horn fly vaccine antigen candidates using a reverse vaccinology approach (Sep 2021)
item Three-dimensional culture of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus BmVIII-SCC cells on multiple synthetic scaffold systems and in rotating bioreactors (Aug 2021)
item Lethal effects of commercial Kaolin Dust and Silica Aerogel Dust with and without botanical compounds on Horn Fly eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults in the laboratory (Aug 2021)
item The dilemma of Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus): A valued pasture grass and an emergent invasive species (Aug 2021)
item Highlights in veterinary entomology, 2020: The importance of the contributions of government scientists to research in veterinary entomology. (Aug 2021)
item Automatic camera trap classification using wildlife-specific transfer learning in nilgai management (Jul 2021)
item Development and first evaluation of an attractant impregnated adhesive tape against blood-sucking flies (Jul 2021)
item Walking velocity and estimated distance of the armored scale crawler Rhizaspidiotus donacis, a biological control agent of Arundo donax (Jun 2021)
item Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) mortality levels in South Texas after historic freeze event (Jun 2021)
item Disruption of the odorant receptor coreceptor (Orco) impairs foraging and host-seeking behaviors in the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (May 2021)
item Effect of essential oils on native and recombinant acetylcholinesterases of Rhipicephalus microplus (May 2021)
item Simulated dynamics of southern cattle fever ticks (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus) in South Texas, USA: investigating potential wildlife impacts on cattle eradication (May 2021)
item Morphometrics of Amblyomma mixtum in the state of Veracruz, Mexico (Apr 2021)
item Evaluation of Barricade® to enhance survival entomopathogenic nematodes on cowhide (Apr 2021)
item The Moneda Bug, Chrysodarecus moneta Breddin = Placocoris viridis Mayr (Pentatomidae: Discocephalinae: Ochlerini) (Apr 2021)
item Efficacy of water-based botanical acaricide formulation applied in portable spray box against the fever tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae), infesting cattle (Apr 2021)
item Composition of three zingiberaceae essential oils and their efficacy against the survivability of cocoa pod borer, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) eggs (Mar 2021)
item Sudden mortality in captive white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) with atypical infestation of winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus) (Mar 2021)
item Importation an preliminary evaluation of the stem-boring moth, Buakea kaeuae as a potential biological control agent of invasive Guineagrass, Megathyrsus maximus (Mar 2021)
item Phylogenomics of tick inward rectifier potassium channels and their potential as targets to innovate control technologies (Mar 2021)
item Cotton row spacing for boll weevil management in low-input production systems (Mar 2021)
item Pictorial dissection guide and internal anatomy of the southern Cattle Fever Tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) (Mar 2021)
item Lasting consequences of psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli L.) infestation on tomato plant gene expression. (Feb 2021)
item Larvicidal activity of natural repellents against the dengue vector, aedes aegypti (Feb 2021)
item Early intervention against desert locusts: Current proactive approach and the prospect of sustainable outbreak prevention (Feb 2021)
item Raw Pacific Biosciences and Illumina sequencing reads and assembled genome data for the cattle ticks Rhipicephalus microplus and Rhipicephalus annulatus (Feb 2021)
item Coinfections in ixodes scapularis from white-tailed deer compared to questing ixodes infer facultative mutualism across sites in Maryland, USA (Jan 2021)
item Surveillance of ticks and tick-borne pathogens in suburban natural habitats of central Maryland (Jan 2021)
item Molecular detection of Theileria equi 1 in horses from Veracruz, Mexico (Jan 2021)
item Incidence and ramifications of armed conflict in countries with major desert locust breeding areas (Jan 2021)
item New World screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) myiasis in feral swine of Uruguay: One Health and transboundary disease implications (Jan 2021)
item New World screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) myiasis in feral swine of Uruguay: One Health and transboundary disease implications (Jan 2021)
item Control of Rhipicephalus annulatus resistant to deltamethrin by spraying infested cattle with synergistic eucalyptus essential oil-thymol-deltamethrin combination (Jan 2021)
item An early female lethal system of the New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, for biotechnology-enhanced SIT (Dec 2020)
item Physiological and molecular correlates of the screwworm fly attraction to wound and animal odors (Nov 2020)
item Evaluation of lotions of botanical-based repellents against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) (Nov 2020)
item Methods for surveying stable fly populations (Nov 2020)
item Trapping white-tailed deer (Artiodactyla: cervidae) in suburbia for study of tick-host interaction (Nov 2020)
item Development and testing of artificial membranes for rearing of Rhipicephalus microplus, the southern cattle fever tick (Oct 2020)
item Research on integrated management for cattle fever ticks and bovine babesiosis in the United States and Mexico: current status and opportunities for binational coordination (Oct 2020)
item A comparative analysis of chromatin accessibility in cattle, pig, and mouse tissues (Oct 2020)
item Integrated transcriptome and histone modification analysis reveals NDV infection under heat stress affects bursa development and proliferation in susceptible chicken line (Sep 2020)
item Passive transfer of Steinernema riobrave entomopathogenic nematodes with implications for treatment of cattle fever tick-infested nilgai (Sep 2020)
item Passive transfer of Steinernema riobrave entomopathogenic nematodes with potential implications for treatment of cattle fever tick-infested nilgai (Sep 2020)
item Effects of ‘Candidatus liberibacter solanacearum’ haplotype on Atlantic potato tuber emergence rate in South Texas (Aug 2020)
item Genomic analyses of a livestock pest, the New World screwworm, find potential targets for genetic control programs (Aug 2020)
item Review of major crop and animal arthropod pests of South Texas (Jul 2020)
item First record of natural infection with Anaplasma marginale in sucking lice infesting the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Mexico (Jun 2020)
item Questing by tick larvae (Acari: Ixodidae): A review of the influences that affect off-host survival (Jun 2020)
item Lethal effects of a silica gel + pyrethrins (Drione) on Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) larvae and nymphs (Jun 2020)
item Detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in the para-sodium channel gene of Rhipicephalus annulatus populations from Egypt resistant to deltamethrin (Jun 2020)
item No evidence of non-target use of native or economic grasses and broadleaf plants by Arundo donax biological control agents (Jun 2020)
item Differential expression of putative Ornithodoros turicata defensins mediated by tick feeding (May 2020)
item Partial characterization of the voltage-gated sodium channel gene and molecular detection of permethrin resistance in Rhipicephalus annulatus (Say, 1821) (May 2020)
item Insect Tape Trap (Apr 2020)
item Landscape ecology of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Canestrini) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) outbreaks in the South Texas Coastal Plain wildlife corridor including man-made barriers (Apr 2020)
item Lethal effects of a commercial diatomaceous earth dust product on Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida: Ixodidae) larvae and nymphs (Apr 2020)
item Molecular detection of Rickettsia species in ticks collected in the Mexico-USA transboundary region (Apr 2020)
item II International Stable Fly Workshop ISFW 2019. (Apr 2020)
item Lethal effects of a silica gel + thyme oil (EcoVia) dusts and aqueous suspensions on Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida: Ixodidae) larvae and nymphs (Mar 2020)
item Effects of formic acid on Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) (Feb 2020)
item Ectoparasites of cattle (Feb 2020)
item Small-molecule inhibitors of inward rectifier potassium (Kir) channels reduce bloodmeal feeding and have insecticidal activity against the horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae) (Feb 2020)
item The longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis): invasive exotic species that threatens animal and public health in Mexico (Jan 2020)
item First molecular and serological detection of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease virus in white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from Tamaulipas, Mexico (Jan 2020)
item Resistance of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), to cypermethrin in outbreak areas in Midwestern Brazil (Nov 2019)
item Ehrlichia canis in dogs of Mexico: Prevalence, incidence, co-infection and factors associated (Sep 2019)
item Innovative drugs, chemicals, and enzymes within the animal production chain (Jul 2018)
item Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals. Part 1: challenges and needs (Jul 2018)
item Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals (Jul 2018)
item Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals. Part 2: new approaches and potential solutions (Jul 2018)