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Title: Odor and chemical emissions from dairy and swine facilities: Part 1 - project overview and collection methods

item BEREZNICKI, SARAH - Purdue University
item HEBER, ALBERT - Purdue University
item JACKO, ROBERT - Purdue University
item AKDENIZ, NESLIHAN - University Of Minnesota
item JACOBSON, LARRY - University Of Minnesota
item HETCHLER, BRIAN - University Of Minnesota
item HEATHCOTE, KATIE - Iowa State University
item HOFF, STEVE - Iowa State University
item KOZIEL, JACEK - Iowa State University
item CAI, LINGSHUANG - Iowa State University
item ZHANG, SHICHENG - Iowa State University
item Parker, David
item CARAWAY, EDWARD - West Texas A & M University

Submitted to: International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/28/2010
Publication Date: 9/13/2010
Citation: Bereznicki, S.D., Heber, A.J., Jacko, R.B., Akdeniz, N., Jacobson, L.D., Hetchler, B.P., Heathcote, K.Y., Hoff, S.J., Koziel, J.A., Cai, L., Zhang, S., Parker, D.B., Caraway, E.A. 2010. Odor and chemical emissions from dairy and swine facilities: Part 1 - project overview and collection methods. In: Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. International Symposium on Air Quality and Manure Management for Agriculture, September 13-16, 2010, Dallas, Texas. 2010 CDROM

Interpretive Summary: Livestock facilities often receive criticism due to their emissions of odorous air and chemicals. As a step in reducing odors, there is a need for odor emission factors and identification of principle odorous chemicals. This add-on project to the National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS) was established to develop odor and chemical emission factors for confined animal feeding operations. The primary objectives of the project were to determine odor emission rates using standardized methods, determine the chemicals responsible for those odors, and investigate correlations between odor and chemical concentrations. Odor and chemical concentrations were measured for a year at two freestall dairy farms, one sow (gestation and farrowing) site, and one finishing pig facility. This paper outlines the sampling and evaluation methods developed for the odor and chemical measurements.

Technical Abstract: Livestock facilities have received numerous criticisms due to their emissions of odorous air and chemicals. Hence, there is a significant need for odor emission factors and identification of principle odorous chemicals. Odor emission factors are used as inputs to odor setback models, while chemical emission factors may be compared with regulations to demonstrate possible health impacts. Additional measurements were incorporated into the National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS) to establish odor and chemical emission factors for confined animal feeding operations. This investigation was conducted by the University of Minnesota, Iowa State University, West Texas A&M University, and Purdue University. The project objectives were to: 1) determine odor emission rates using common protocols and standardized olfactometry methods, 2) develop a chemical library of the most significant odorants, and 3) correlate the chemical library with olfactometry results. This paper describes the sampling and evaluation methods for the odor and chemical measurements at two freestall dairy farms, one sow (gestation and farrowing) site, and one finishing pig facility. Odor and chemical samples were collected in Tedlar**T**M bags and sorbent tubes, respectively at barn inlet and exhaust locations using the sophisticated NAEMS gas sampling systems. Quality assurance protocols including inter-laboratory comparison tests are also discussed. The inter-lab sessions were designed to identify variations between olfactometry labs. While differences between olfactometry labs were observed, the variations appeared random and the odor data are considered reliable.