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item Cullen, Karen

Submitted to: International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/1/2006
Publication Date: 7/1/2006
Citation: Cullen, K. 2006. Sweetened beverage sources of 7th and 8th grade youth [abstract]. In: Fifth Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Program Book, July 13-16, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts. p. 226.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Purpose: Sweetened beverage (SB) consumption may impact energy balance and weight. For middle school youth, major SB sources include home, school snack bars and vending, and restaurants. Policies have attempted to reduce student access to SB in schools, and concerns about restaurant SB consumption have been raised. However, little is known about home SB availability. This study investigated the sources of SB consumption for 7th and 8th grade students (n=104; 47% African-American, 41% Hispanic; 42% boys) from 2 low-income schools (>75% free/reduced price meals). Methods: Students completed up to six days of food records in school, assisted by trained data collectors. Food group intake was obtained via hand coding. Total SB intake and SB intake by source (home, school, restaurant, other) as a percentage of total SB intake were calculated for all days and separately for school days, and compared by ethnicity and gender. Results: Mean SB intake was 18 ounces/day and school day (range 0 to 50 ounces). Only 5/104 students reported consuming no SB. For school days, 60% of SB was consumed at home, 26% at school, 9% at restaurants, and 5 % other sources. Considering all days, the proportion from schools decreased to 19% and restaurants increased to 11%, reflecting weekend meal patterns, while the proportion from home remained the same (60%). There were no differences in the % SB distribution by ethnicity or gender. Conclusions: These results suggest that interventions should target reducing home availability of SB because of the high proportion consumed at home.