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item Lingafelter, Steven
item Pakaluk, James

Submitted to: Chrysomela (Newsletter)
Publication Type: Research Notes
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/2/1997
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Historically, the Bruchinae have been considered as a distinct family of Coleoptera based on ideas of their ecological distinctiveness despite claims (even by proponents of their familial status) of their closest relationship to sagrine Chrysomelidae. A brief taxonomic history of Bruchinae is presented. Based upon adult and larval character data, the most plausible classification would either elevate most subfamilies of Chrysomelidae to family status or require treating this taxon, Bruchinae, as a subfamily of Chrysomelidae. To preserve stability, we believe the latter is most desirable, and this is supported by the inherent stability and predictability of phylogenetic classifications.