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ARS Home » Southeast Area » New Orleans, Louisiana » Southern Regional Research Center » Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #163662


item Shih, Frederick
item Bett Garber, Karen
item Daigle, Kim
item Ingram, Daphne

Submitted to: Journal of Food Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/10/2005
Publication Date: 5/7/2005
Citation: Shih, F.F., Bett Garber, K.L., Daigle, K.W., Ingram, D.A. 2005. Effects of rice batter on the oil-uptake and sensory quality of the coated fried okra. Journal of Food Science. 70 18:21.

Interpretive Summary: Food coating for frying purposes is popular because it enhances the sensory quality of the fried food. However, fried batters contain great amounts of oil, which could be a health concern to the consumers. In this study, low-fat batters were developed using ingredients of long grain rice flour, or a mixture of long grain rice and its modified derivatives. When these rice batters were used to the coating of okra, the oil content was lowered by up to 51%, as compared with that of the traditional wheat batter. Particularly, the fried batter with the mixed rice flour was rated to have superior overall sensory properties, including a desirable appearance of golden brown color and a distinctive texture of crispiness. This research has developed value-added products, promoted the use of rice, and served to meet the needs of consumers for healthy food products.

Technical Abstract: Okra was coated and deep-fat fried with batters of flour sources; including rice flour, a mixture of rice flour, and small amounts of pregelatinized rice flour (PGRF), and as a control, the traditional wheat flour. The addition of PGRF, up to 8%, enhanced batter viscosity and the coating properties of the rice batter. Oil uptake of the fried-batter decreased with the addition of up to 5% PGRF. Rice flour fried-batters, with and without PGRF, were found to absorb substantially lower oil, by as much as 51%, as compared with the wheat batter. The fried okra coated with the rice batter containing 5% PGRF, when evaluated for sensory properties on appearance and surface attributes, was found to be superior or equal to those with the wheat batter and rice batter without PGRF. Particularly, its golden brown color is considered more desirable than the lighter yellow color of the other two entities. Similarly, most of its first-bite and after-chew properties were either slightly better or in the normal range of consumer acceptability. Specifically, its distinctive crispiness is considered a positive attribute, whereas, its relatively high tooth-packing properties, while remaining in the acceptable range, may be noticeable to some consumers.