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item Lingafelter, Steven

Submitted to: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/27/2004
Publication Date: 5/30/2005
Citation: Lingafelter, S.W., Ivie, M.A. 2005. Synonymies and transfers in Elaphidiini, mostly relating to genus Elaphidion (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 112(2-3):205-211

Interpretive Summary: Longhorned beetles are very important to agriculture and forestry due to their destruction of wood during their development. The genus Elaphidion contains numerous species that attack living and dead trees, in particular oaks. In preparation for a revision of the genus, we help stabilize the names by relocating species to their proper place. A list of the currently recognized species of Elaphidion is provided. This study will be crucial to allow forestry workers, port identifiers, and laypersons to have an up to date species list for this important group of longhorned beetles.

Technical Abstract: Six new synonyms and eight new combinations are proposed for taxa in Elaphidiini. Brief characterizations of the genera involved (Anelaphus Linsley, Anopliomorpha Linsley, Elaphidion Audinet-Serville, Parelaphidion Skiles, Stizocera Audinet-Serville, Trichophoroides Linsley, Xeranoplium Linsley) are included to provide bases for these taxonomic decisions. Anelaphus cinnabarinum (Fisher), is a new combination for Elaphidion cinnabarinum Fisher; Anelaphus crispulum (Fisher), is a new combination for Elaphidion crispulum Fisher; Anelaphus mutatum (Gahan), is a new combination for Elaphidion mutatum Gahan; Anelaphus fasciatum (Fisher), is a new combination for Elaphidion fasciatum Fisher; Anopliomorpha antillarum (Fisher), is a new combination for Elaphidion antillarum Fisher; Trichophoroides signaticolle (Chevrolat), is a new combination for Elaphidion signaticolle Chevrolat; Trichophoroides variolosum (Fisher), is a new combination for Elaphidion variolosum Fisher; Xeranoplium gracilis (Fisher) is a new combination for Elaphidion gracilis Fisher; Elaphidion truncatipenne Fisher is a new junior synonym of Anelaphus fasciatum (Fisher); Elaphidion hispaniolae Fisher is a new junior synonym of Anelaphus nanus (Fabricius); Elaphidion monticola Fisher and Anopliomorpha xylebora Cazier & Lacey are new junior synonyms of Anopliomorpha antillarum (Fisher); Elaphidion jamaicensis Fisher is a new junior synonym of Elaphidion tuberculicolle Fisher; Stizocera punctiventris (Cazier & Lacey) is a new junior synonym of Stizocera insulana (Gahan); dozieri Fisher: Piezocerini, incertae sedis is a new transfer for Elaphidion dozieri Fisher. A current checklist of the 55 species of Elaphidion is provided.