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item Dunn, Robert
item Knothe, Gerhard

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/22/2002
Publication Date: 9/22/2002
Citation: DUNN, R.O., KNOTHE, G.H. OXIDATIVE STABILITY OF BIODIESEL/JET FUEL BLENDS. Proceedings of the Bioenergy Conference. Boise, ID. 2002. ABSTRACT. Paper No. 2117.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Biodiesel, an alternative fuel made from transesterification of vegetable oil with methanol, is becoming more readily available for use in blends with conventional diesel fuel for transportation applications. Biodiesel has fuel properties comparable to those of conventional diesel fuel and is known to enhance ignition quality (cetane number) and lubricity characteristics in blends. Biodiesel reduces harmful exhaust emissions including particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and smoke. Consequently, blending biodiesel with jet fuel for aviation applications has potential for providing comparable performance while reducing ground level emissions. Given that production of biodiesel in the United States grew from 500,000 gal in 1999 to 25 million gal in 2001, storage stability with respect to oxidative degradation is an increasing concern for fuel suppliers and terminal operators. This work investigates effects of biodiesel made from soybean oil (SME) on the oxidative stability of jet fuel (JP-8). Oil stability index (OSI) data (in hours) were measured under isothermal conditions for 10, 20 and 30 vol. % SME- blends in accordance with American Oil Chemists' Society method Cd 12b- 92. Results for 20 vol% blends showed that OSI = 252, 99.6, 39.8 and 16.4 hours at for block temperatures = 50, 60, 75 and 90C, respectively. Increasing vol. frac. of SME in the blends decreased OSI while decreasing block temperature increased OSI. This work demonstrated that relative oxidative stability of SME/JP-8 blends can be assessed by measuring OSI at a block temperature of 90C.