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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Madison, Wisconsin » Vegetable Crops Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #343153

Title: A diploid inbred line strategy to accelerate genetic gain in potato

item Jansky, Shelley
item DOUCHES, DAVID - Michigan State University
item ENDELMAN, JEFFREY - University Of Wisconsin

Submitted to: National Association of Plant Breeders
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/3/2017
Publication Date: 8/8/2017
Citation: Jansky, S.H., Douches, D., Endelman, J. 2017. A diploid inbred line strategy to accelerate genetic gain in potato [abstract]. National Association of Plant Breeders. Paper No. TU78.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Breeding potato at the tetraploid level is inefficient and slow. Potato breeding has not kept pace with advances in breeding strategies and genomics tools. This project initiates our plan to convert potato into a diploid crop capable of self-pollination. This will allow breeders to realize the genetic gains required for potato to maintain its role as a major food crop. We have at our disposal diploid germplasm and a dominant gene that allows self-pollination. Using these tools, we are generating recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from each of five genetically diverse founder parents carrying germplasm from wild and cultivated potato relatives. Self-pollination is leading to inbreeding depression as expected and hybrid breakdown, which was not expected. However, we continue to make progress and have generated the first set of F6 populations. The RILs will be provided to the US Potato Genebank as true seed populations, accompanied by the phenotype and genotype data. This RIL set will be a novel, powerful, and valuable public resource for the mapping of economically important traits and the development of markers for marker-assisted selection. Our project will provide the foundation for future research to develop diploid potato cultivars.